New User Registration

Important Note: Parishioners looking to access their Family Record as Member Portal users, should NOT follow the instructions in this article. To link your account to your specific Family Record, you must create your account via the Member Portal email sent from your parish through the ChMS as per our Invite Families - Member Portal article.

PRO TIP: Data security best practices dictate that users are given the least amount of access to data required to accomplish their tasks successfully.  We recommend that users who do not need complete access to all data and functions should receive access to only the functions they require. 

User Registration

Before you can configure a user’s access, they must go through the user registration process.  Each user is required to have their own login to the ChMS.  Sharing of user credentials is not allowed and a violation of the ChMS subscription agreement.

Note:  New users are considered Parish/Diocese staff members and/or volunteers that require access to your church database.  If you're inviting individual parish families to the Member Portal please reference the articles below for Member Portal information.  Parishioners should not register using the link below.  A staff member who is also a parishioner must use separate emails for ChMS access and Member Portal access.  

1.  Have your user browse to the registration page here: New User Registration Link.

Note: New users can also access the New User Registration Link by navigating to and clicking either Register in the upper right-hand corner or Register as new user under the login fields.

2.  The user's email address will be pre-filled as the username.  Passwords must be at least 6 characters contain at least 1 uppercase letter, at least 1 lowercase letter, at least 1 number, and at least 1 special character.  Spaces can be used and we often recommend a sentence like:  Tommy is 6! 

3.  Click Register and the new user will receive a confirmation notice asking them to check their email.

4.  The following email will be sent from [email protected] and the Subject of the email will be Account Confirmation. This email includes (2) PDF Documents Gabriel External Facing Service Policy and Gabriel Master Subscription Agreement which the will require the user to accept the the terms and conditions by clicking on I Agree.

Note:  If the new user cannot locate the email in their inbox please check junk or spam folders.  You can also search on [email protected] or Account Confirmation.  If you are still unable to locate the email please contact Customer Support and we will assist you with the remainder of your registration process.

5.  Once the user clicks I Agree they will receive the following response and will be required to log in using the login credentials they just created.  Once in they will need to choose their diocese and church.

6.  Once in they will be presented with a list of Dioceses.  Scroll down the list and when you locate your diocese click View.

7.  Choose your church by clicking Join.  The following message will be received confirming the registration process was successful.

Important Note: Please notify your Parish Administrator that you have completed the process so that they can approve your access and assign the appropriate access.

8.  Once your Parish Administrator approves your access you will receive the following email inviting you to login to your database.  

Note:  For users who are part of a collaborative/cluster, please contact the parish staff serving as Church Administrators for those church databases. After you complete the new user registration process for one church database, Church Administrators can follow the steps in our Adding an Existing User to a Church article to provide access to their church databases using the same email address. After you have been registered at all your churches, you will then see a list of all your churches and be able to easily toggle between them when logging into your Dashboard.

Approving a User’s Registration

1.  Once they have completed registration through the selecting of their diocese and parish, the user now needs to be approved by a parish administrator.  To see those users awaiting approval, you will use the Administrative drop down menu and select User Security as shown below.

Note: Only a user with Church Administrator or Security Manager access can approve, assign, edit and delete users in their database.

2.  Once on the User Security screen you will see users awaiting approval appear at the top under New User Requests.  Click the Approve link next to their name or if this is not an authorized user you can select Reject. 

When you click Approve you will be brought into the user security profile where you will be able to assign access rights.  Depending on the user’s role you will want to assign appropriate access rights.

User Roles

There are two user roles within each of the applications modules which include Families, Groups, Fund Raising (offertory), Religious Ed and Ministry Scheduling.  Within each module you can have users with a Manager role which allows them to perform any function within that module as well as access to the reporting functions.  If a user is assigned a Helper role some of the functionality is limited.  For example, a family helper can add new families and members but cannot delete family and member records. 

You can see these user roles are clearly shown in two columns on the security access screen shown below.  You will use a combination of these roles to properly assign rights to your users.

Important Note: Users CANNOT be Member Portal Users and have other user roles using the same email address. If a user wants to register to use the Member Portal, they should use their personal email address and must be sent a Member Portal invitation. A work email address should be used for their employee login within the ChMS.

Sample Parish User Roles

Below are some common roles within the parish that we have highlighted along with their suggested security access. 

Note:  The Church Administrator is the very first role that needs to be setup in a parish.  This person has access to all functions within the application including User Security where they can approve user registrations and assign user access rights for any additional users.  To set someone up as a Church Administrator you only need to check the Church Administrator option.  Once you check this box the other options will be removed.  Be sure to click Save.

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