eCatholic Family Registration Module

eCatholic ChMS customers with an eCatholic website can use our integration to automatically import new family member registrations into your ChMS database. Once added to your website, the Family Registration Module appears as a form with pre-defined fields that collect the necessary registration information. 

How to add the Family Registration Module

  1. If not already synced, connect your eCatholic website and your eCatholic ChMS (view instructions here), as this module will only appear once your technologies are integrated. 
  2. Click the +Add Content button in your page toolbar. The Family Registration Module is located within the Core Modules tab (pictured below).

  3. Drag-and-drop the module on to your website (pictured below).

  4. Click the green Publish button to save your changes.

Are there notifications available for new form submissions?

Yes, notifications of new form submissions may be sent to multiple email addresses. To add an email address to receive alerts of new registrations, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the module to open the Registration Settings (pictured below). Then, add in your email addresses under Alert Email Address. Emails that are listed in this field will receive alerts when new submissions have been completed.

How can I find new submission in my ChMS database?

When a new submission is sent through the  Family Registration Module, a new Family Record is automatically added into the ChMS. A "thank you for registering" email is automatically sent to the family who registered and the Parish Administrator.

Important Note: If a family fills out the Online Family Registration form using the same email that is tied to an already existing family record, the parish staff will still receive a notification that the form has been submitted, but a new family record will not automatically be created. This happens to prevent duplicate family records from being added.

After a Parish Administrator has received a new family registration email, they can search for the new family in your ChMS database. To find the new registrants, navigate to your blue toolbar and twirl down the  Families tab and select Family Explorer. In the Status column, click Select and choose New. Your Family Explorer view will filter to show only Family Records with a status of New Register, including those new submissions from the Family Registration Module.

Filtering Family Explorer to show only Family Records with a Status of New

Once the new family is reviewed and activated by the Parish Administrator one of the following can be done. The family can be invited to the member portal where they can update certain fields in the family record.  (e.g. add members and their contact information, etc.) or a follow-up welcome email can be sent to the family with a full census form attached to the email.