Family Tag Maintenance

Family Tag Maintenance is used to "tag" groups of family records.


Creating A New Family Tag


Click on  Families via the top navigation bar, select Family Tag Maintenance, then click New.


A Family Tag Maintenance pop-up box will appear. Type your desired Tag Name, then click Save.

Note: You can edit the Family Tag name by clicking View, or delete a tag by selecting Delete on the right side of each tag.

Adding Families To the Family Tag

You can add families to the Family Tag through the Family Tag Maintenance or within the Family Record.


If you want to "tag" a family through Family Tag Maintenance, do the following: 

Go to Families > Family Tag Maintenance and click on the Tag Name. 

This will open a screen to allow you to add families. Begin entering the last name of a family, or type the family's budget number and a drop-down list of names will appear. Select the correct family from the drop-down, then click Add

Note: You can delete a family from a tag by selecting Delete on the right side of the family.

If you want to "tag" a family through the Family Record, do the following: 

Locate and open up the desired Family Record. Then select the  Tags tab, and click New Tag

Note: If you click on View while in the Family Record, you can change which tag the family is in. Clicking Delete will delete the family from the Family Tag. 

A Family Tag Maintenance box will pop up.  Clicking on the drop-down will display a list your current Family Tags. Select the appropriate Family Tag and hit Save.

Send Message

To send a message to all families in your family tags, check the box next to the Tag Name heading.

To send a message to one family tag or multiple family tags, first check the boxes next to the tag name, then select Send Message


The boxes as described in the Send Message section above will work in the same manner for Downloading. The only difference is that you'll want to select Download rather than Send Message.

After you click Download, a pop-up box will appear. The default name of the download will be "Family Tags". You have the option to rename the file prior to actually downloading it.

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