Church Budget Envelope Integration

If you currently use Church Budget for your budget envelopes please contact your Church Budget rep to turn the integration on. If you are a new customer to Church Budget please contact them directly to set up your account. In both cases they will contact us with your account number and we will turn the integration on and notify you once that is complete.  The key to a successful envelope pull by Church Budget is to ensure that the fields in the Family Record have the noted values and if you have multiple schedules the correct family tags have been created.  

Church Budget Envelope Integration Setup

Users who have a single schedule or multiple schedules for your envelope pull will need to be sure your database has the following criteria defined for those parishioners who use budget envelopes so Church Budget can pull the correct list. 

Family Status = Active  and

Inactive = False (because it is not checked)  and

Has Envelopes = True (because it is checked)

Prior to your first pull a suggested practice is to generate the family download report convert the report into a table and sort on the columns (Column R - Family Status Code; Column N - Budget number inactive and Column O - Has envelopes) to be sure values are set correctly for any parishioner who receives budget envelopes. Once all necessary changes have been made in the Family Records contact us to set up the integration. 

Below is a snippet from the Family download report.  Budget #4900 would not be pulled because the budget number is marked inactive = true.  Budget #75 would not be pulled because the has envelopes has not been checked = false. 

If your church would like us to set the values for anyone who has a budget number or anyone within a certain range of numbers to the correct values contact customer support.
Church Budget defaults to pulling the Mailing Name field to populate as the first line of their envelopes. If this field is blank, Church Budget will instead use the Salutation + First Name + Last Name fields for the first line. Please make sure these fields are set up correctly!

Church Budget will use the address from the Mailing Address tab of the Family Record. defaults to pulling the Mailing Name field to populate as the first line of their envelopes. If these fields are blank, the Church Budget envelope will print without an address. To update the Mailing Address tab, please follow these instructions.

If you have multiple schedules with Church Budget then Family Tags will need to be created for each schedule you currently have. We have established a standard Family Tag name for each schedule. Tag names cannot deviate from the list below. Church Budget pulls from the Family Tag based on the specific schedules you have set up with Church Budget.

Family Tag Name Description
CBME Church Budget Monthly Envelopes - those members receive a single monthly donation envelope + any special envelopes that your church uses.
CBR Church Budget Regular - those members receive regular weekly envelopes + any special envelopes that your church uses.
CBS Church Budget Special - Receive only the special envelopes that your church uses.  
EGMO Electronic Giving Mailings Only - This family tag consists of families that use electronic giving and will be used by Church Budget when they need to pull Electronic Givers for creating mailing labels for the post office.  This set of families does not use any CB envelopes.  

Files are pulled around the 15th of each month, 6 weeks out from the upcoming mailing. Church Budget typically sends an email alerting you that your file will be pulled and that changes must made by the 15th. This is fairly consistent across churches but there are, of course special cases (rush orders, holidays, etc.). Please contact Church Budget with questions regarding your pull schedule.

Finally, when adding or removing a parishioner in your database you will need to ensure that the proper fields in the Family Record are populated correctly. Including adding or removing the family from the Family Tag if applicable.

Important Note: If you're receiving envelopes with blank addresses, please ensure that the respective family record has an address listed within the Mailing Address tab. (Click HERE to learn how to update the mailing address.)

Please reference the following if you'd like to see which address eC ChMS is sending to Church Budget:

  • If the Mailing Address box is checked, eC ChMS will send Church Budget the mailing address. If the mailing address is blank but the box is checked, eC ChMS will send Church Budget a blank address.
  • If the Alternate Address box is checked AND today's date falls within the Alternate date range, eC ChMS will send them that address. Unlike the Mailing Address, though, if eC ChMS is supposed to send the Alternate Address because the box is checked and they are in the date range BUT the Alternate Address is blank, eC ChMS will send the Mailing Address if the box is checked; otherwise eC ChMS will send a blank address as well.
  • eC ChMS only sends the address at the top of the record if the Mailing Address box is unchecked, and if the Alternate Address box is unchecked or the Alternate Address is outside the date range.