Creating a New Fund


Creating A New Fund

1.    Go to Funds > Fund Maintenance > New Fund

2.    The Fund Creation screen will appear.

  1. Fund Description:  Enter the name of the Fund.
  2. If creating a new fund, leave the default fund status as Active.  Clicking on the drop-down arrow allows you to set the fund to Inactive.

Tip:  At year-end, consider setting funds you're no longer using to Inactive. Making a fund Inactive does not delete the fund nor any contributions. It simply moves the fund and its contributions to the Inactive tab of the Fund Maintenance page. Inactivating past funds allows the Active tab to display only those funds currently in use.  Funds in the Inactive tab can be changed back to Active at anytime.

  1. No Frequency - This optional field allows you to set the frequency of the collection. (e.g. You can set the frequency for your Sunday Collection fund to Weekly.)
  2. From Date and To Date - Entering a starting and ending date for the fund can provide an idea as to the timeframe of the contributions that were entered into the fund or can represent the length of a giving campaign.
  3. No Bucket - This field is used to group your funds into Buckets for Annual Statements.

PRO TIP: Buckets are used when generating the Annual Statements (CSV) and using the By Buckets Template or By Buckets Template with Non-Deductible Contributions template. Users can group funds into three subtotals (i.e. buckets), assigning descriptions to each bucket in the template. Each fund can be assigned Bucket 1, Bucket 2 or Bucket 3. During Annual Statement generation the system automatically subtotals transactions according to the bucket assigned to each fund.  If your Diocese has Diocese Funds implemented they will automatically be assigned to Bucket 3.

  1. Fund Goal - Often used for giving campaigns, this field provides a snapshot of the goal vs. contributions entered.  As you add contributions tot the fund the gray box will update.
  2. Click Create.

Editing An Existing Fund

To change any fund information, navigate to Funds > Funds Maintenance. Open the fund in question, which will automatically display in the Fund Information tab. Make any necessary edits and click Save.

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