How to install Power BI and configure to your ChMS account

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft. It aims to provide interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities with an interface simple enough for our users to create their own reports and dashboards. The PowerBI Desktop software is offered FREE of charge.

eCatholic ChMS is providing PowerBI dashboards and pre-formatted reports to its parishes at no additional charge. Users need to download the PowerBI software and .pbix files (linked below) to use the reports. Data contained in the initial file you download from our Demo parish. Follow the instructions outlined below which will explain how to download the necessary files, how to change the data source so it points to your data and how to login using your ChMS user credentials.


Download the pbix file that you want to use by clicking on the one of the links below. Choose either the single parish or multi-parish .pbix files. The file will be placed in your downloads folder. You may want to move the file to your Desktop or a folder within your My Documents area. Remember where you put it so you can find it!

Note: If you are managing a single church then you will want to download the Gabriel Pastor Dashboard.pbix file. If you are managing a cluster or collaborative you will want to download the Gabriel Multi Parish Pastor Dashboard.pbix file. This will allow the user to look at all your churches within the cluster or collaborative.

Each file above contains 5 reports:

  1. Pastor’s Dashboard – looks at contributions by fund, family; count of families participating in the offering and average contribution amount; all controlled via a relative date filter (last week, last month, last quarter, etc)
  2. New Family Registrations – using relative date filter can see how many new registrations have occurred in the parish during the period selected.
  3. Giving by Year – Filter set to contributions > 2018 to show three years; this can be changed on the filter tab by the user; shows giving by family across the years and average contribution.
  4. Source of Giving – this report looks to answer where is the giving coming from? Online, envelope, etc. Number of Families by Zip Code/Registration date – user can use a date filter to see where families are located on a map.
  5. Average Contribution by Zip Code – this report shows the average contribution and displays it on a map.

Click on the link below to download the PowerBI Desktop Software (FREE). Clicking the link will open the Microsoft Store in your browser. Click install. The download will take approximately ~5 minutes via a cable/high speed connection. Time will depend on your internet connection speed. Click the Launch button and Power BI will install.

When taken to the website click on the Download free Button.


In Power BI, Fill out the registration form and press done. Click “Open Other reports” on the left hand side of the pop up. In next pop up window, click the folder in the left panel of the screen where you placed the .pbix file in step 1 above.

In the right panel you will see a file “Gabriel Pastor Dashboard.pbix” (or “Gabriel Multi Parish Pastor Dashboard.pbix”), the file you downloaded in step 1 – click on the file and then press the open button.


The data you initially see in the report is from our Demo system. For the program to look at your parish complete the steps below.

  • Click the File dropdown menu in the top left of the screen and select Options and Settings and then select Data Source Settings.
  • The Data Source pop up screen will show the link pointing to the “demodiocese”. You will need to change that to point to your diocese.
  • Click the change source button and replace demodiocese with the PowerBI Diocese Tag for your diocese in the list below and press the OK button.

Power BI Diocesan Tags
PowerBI Diocese Tag Name of Diocese State
akfbdiocese Fairbanks AK
azpxdiocese Phoenix AZ
tnazdiocese Tucson AZ
cafrdiocese Fresno CA
caladiocese Los Angeles CA
casddiocese San Diego CA
casddiocese Stockton CA
codvdiocese Denver CO
flpbdiocese Palm Beach FL
pnthfldiocese Pensacola–Tallahassee FL
hihldiocese Honolulu HI
dbiadiocese Dubuque IA
iascdiocese Sioux City IA
childiocese Chicago IL
ilrddiocese Rockford IL
kssadiocese Salina KS
kyobdiocese Owensboro KY
lalfdiocese Lafayette LA
demoappeals Demo Appeals MA
demodiocese Demo MA
mafrdiocese Fall River MA
maspdiocese Springfield MA
mawrdiocese Worcester MA
testdaverdb testdsaver MA
pdmediocese Portland ME
glmidiocese Gaylord MI
mnstcloud Saint Cloud MN
kcsjmodiocese Kansas City-Saint Joseph MO
biloxidiodb Biloxi Dio MS
msbxdiocese Biloxi MS
fgnddiocese Fargo ND
nhmndiocese Manchester NH
njnkdiocese Newark NJ
pnnjdiocese Paterson NJ
nynydiocese New York NY
nyobdiocese Ogdensburg NY
cintestdb CINTEST OH
ohcndiocese Cincinnati OH
ohrmeparchy Romanian Eparchy Canton OH
orgsouthdb Catholic Org South OH
orpddiocese Portland OR
paphdiocese Philadelphia PA
ripvdiocese Providence RI
sdrcdiocese Rapid City SD
Amarillo_dio Amarillo Dio TX
amtxdiocese Amarillo TX
eCathDemo eCathDemo TX
fwtxdiocese Fort Worth TX
tesliodemo TESLIODEMO TX
txdsdiocese Dallas TX
tytxdiocese Tyler TX
occusa OCC MI
kyotestdb SLCTEST UT
demo500k Demo (500K Families) VT
vtbldiocese Burlington VT
waspdiocese Spokane WA
auptdiocese Perth Western Australia
gbtestdb GBTEST WI
gbtestdb3 GBTEST3 WI
wigbdiocese Green Bay WI
wimldiocese Milwaukee WI
wycydiocese Cheyenne WY

Next click on edit permissions, and under credentials section click on the edit button.


With Basic highlighted on left enter your username and password, press save and then press ok and then press save. By completing this step it will connect you to your database(s).


A message should appear that says changes have been detected, press the apply changes button. OR if a message doesn't appear press the Refresh Button on the Home Ribbon as shown below.

  • Data from your parish will now start to download
  • NOTE: this could take between 5 and 10 minutes depending on your internet connection speed. Simply allow it to finish
  • You now can interact with the reports with your data.
  • When finished and closing the application be sure to click save to the question about saving your changes.