When to Make a Status Inactive versus When to Unregister a Family

Maintaining family registration and family statuses are key practices in maintaining an accurate database. 

An Inactive family might be someone who does not participate in your church's services and/or events, has not donated in 2+ years, and/or has not participated in any of the sacraments. Any family with an Inactive status can still be registered within your church.

An Unregistered family is one that is no longer in your church or diocese. In general, families with a status of Contributor, Moved, Prospective Family, Religious Ed Only, Sacrament Only, School Only, Seasonal, Unknown, and Visitor may be unregistered.

Note: If you are part of a Diocesan implementation they may have specific criteria for family statuses and registrations. Please contact your Diocese if you have any questions.
If you are part of Diocesan wide implementation the family can maintain statuses in multiple churches, but can only be registered in one church.     

Changing a Family Status to Inactive


Click on Families via the top navigation bar and select Family Explorer.


Filter the Family Name column to locate and open the desired Family Record.

Click on the Family Status dropdown, and select Inactive, then click Save

Note:  When you mark a family as Inactive, all members of the family will be marked as Inactive, so long as the family is not participating in another parish as part of a Diocesan wide implementation. 

Unregistering a Family from a Church

Repeat Steps 1 and 2 from above.
Go to the Churches tab within the Family record, select  Unregistered, and click Save. Marking a family as  Unregistered will not change the family/member status to  Inactive