Report Library


To navigate to the Report Library, log into your database. Click Reports > Report Library through the blue navigation bar at the top of your screen.

Reports are listed within clearly indicated categories that appear in alphabetical order. Examples of categories within the Report Library include (but are not limited to) Audit, Families, Members, Religious Ed, and Sacraments.

The reports underneath each category are also listed alphabetically and organized into clean rows. Each row contains the report's name, a description of the report, a View button, and a star-shaped button.

Generating a Report within the Report Library

To run a report from the Report Library, click the View button located in the second-to-last column in that report's row. Clicking the View button will generate a new screen where you can select your parameters and run the report. Please explore these articles for more information about commonly used eCatholic ChMS reports.

Favoriting Reports

Adding favorite reports is an exciting feature of our Report Library! As you use eCatholic ChMS and learn which reports you frequently run, you can select those reports as your favorites for easy access. To designate a report as a favorite, simply click the star-shaped button within the desired report's row.

Upon clicking the star-shaped button, the report will remain underneath its original category, but will also be available in a new category called Your Favorites. This category will appear at the top of the Report Library as long as you have at least one report favorited. These reports will also be listed in alphabetical order. To remove a report from Your Favorites, simply click the star-shaped button again.

The Your Favorites category is customizable for each user. Selecting or unselecting reports under Your Favorites will change your view of the Report Library alone and will not impact what other users in your parish or diocese see. Whatever reports you have listed under Your Favorites will be saved and available to you every time you log in and navigate to the Report Library.