Generating Capital Campaign Statements

Generating the Capital Campaign Statements is a 2-part process.  The first step is to generate the data-source by downloading the Capital Campaign Excel report.  The second step is to generate statements using the Word Mail Merge function.  Prior to generating your statements you will need to have created a statement template and be sure you have updated eCatholic ChMS to reflect all your latest pledge payments.  For a sample template click on this link: ChMS Capital Campaign Template

Capital Campaign Excel Download

To generate the file to be used in the mail merge, browse to Funds > Fund Maintenance. Check the box to the left of your Capital Campaign Fund and then click the Generate Campaign button.

In the resulting pop-up window, select a date. The date field can be the date you generated the statements or you can use this date as the payment due date.  How you use this date will depend on how you set-up your statement template.  In the second field, you can use the default file format. The last field is the name of the file.  You have the option to rename your file. Hit Print.  

Depending on your browser the file will appear in your tray at the bottom of the screen or may prompt you for an Open/Save.  The default location for this file is your Downloads file.  The name of this file is always CapCampPledgevsContribs and may be followed by a number in parentheses if you have downloaded this file a number of times.  If that is the case select the file with the largest number in parentheses.

Mail Merge Process in Word

Open up your Capital Campaign Word Template that you created and select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard from the Mailings drop-down menu.

The Mail Merge wizard will open a window on the right.  Press Next on the first two prompts that appear.  You will come to Step 3 of 6.  You will want to select recipients by clicking on Browse.  The Select Data Source pop-up box will appear.  Click on the Downloads folder under This PC.  Scroll until you find your file.  In this example, it would be CapCampPledgevsContribs (17).  Press the Open button.

A pop-up will show you a preview of the data.  If you are printing statements for everyone who was downloaded in the file hit OK.

Optionally, if you would like to filter out a group of specific recipients press the filter button.  In this example, we will print only parishioners who are making monthly payments against their pledge.  A new pop-up box will appear so you can filter out the parishioners who pay monthly.  The frequency designations are found in the Column labeled FrequencyID (from the excel sheet you downloaded) and can be selected by clicking on the down arrow in the Field box.  Choose Equal to in the Comparison field box and finally MO for monthly.  If you wanted to choose parishioners who pay monthly and those who pay quarterly you would add additional filters in the next line.  Click OK.

Note:  In eCatholic ChMS, the frequencies designations are:  WK (weekly - 52 payments annually); MO (monthly - 12 payments annually); QTR (quarterly - 4 payments annually); SEMI (semi-annual - 2 payments annually); YR (yearly - 1 payment annually) and ONE (one-time payment for the life of the pledge). 

Press Write Your Letter in the Mail merge Prompt window and then press Preview your letters in the prompt window.  Once you do this you will see the first record displayed in the letter.  Press the Complete the Merge prompt.

On the next prompt, you can either press Print to send them to the printer or press Edit Individual letters.  If you choose the latter this creates ALL your letters into a new Word document file where you can save to your desktop or another file you have created for your Capital Campaign.  An example might be 2019AugustMonthlyCCStatements.  They are available should you need to access them in the future.