PRM Note Reports

Within your Report Library there are three report options for pulling your PRM Notes from the Family and Member records. All reports can be accessed by going to Reports > Report Library and scroll down to the PRM Notes Category section of your library. Click on the Report name to open the report.  For each report you will be asked to define report parameters.


  1. PRM Notes for Family Report
  2. PRM Notes Report
  3. PRM Notes with Follow Ups

PRM Notes for Family Report

This report will allow the user to select a single family, multiple families or all the families.  The user will also be able to select a single, multiple or all the note categories.  Once all the parameters are defined click Run.  The report will list family and member PRM notes for the families selected.  The report lists the families in alphabetical order and within each family the most recent note is listed first.  If the user entered a follow-up date the report will highlight this date in yellow. 


PRM Notes Report

This report allows the user to run the report based on two different date parameters, note date range and entry/modified date range and will generate family and member PRM notes based on the date parameters entered.  The user will also be able to select a single, multiple or all the note categories.  If the user entered a follow-up date the report will highlight this date in yellow. The report sorts in descending order based on modified date with most recent at the top.  

Enter Note Date From and To:  This is the date that is entered on the PRM note as shown below.  

Entry Date From and To:  Represents the date that it was originally entered on or if any edits were made to the note this is the date that it grabs and will be listed on the report under Note Entered Date and Time.  In this example, I wanted to pull any notes that have a note date of May 1st and to include any notes that may have been modified after the May 1st date.
Note:  To pick up any modifications for the current date the report requires you to enter the following day as shown in the example above.

PRM Notes with Follow Ups

This report allows the user to run the report based on the follow-up date.  It will generate family and member PRM notes based on the follow-up dates entered when the PRM note was created.  The user will also be able to select a single, multiple or all the note categories.  

In the example below a report was generated for any note with a follow-up in July.

Toolbar functionality for navigating through the PRM Reports on your screen:

    1. Clicking on the arrows will move you forward or backwards through the report.  You may also enter a page number is the box and hit enter.

    2. Clicking on the down arrow allows you to adjust your view.

    3. The floppy disc icon allows you to download the report in either Excel, PDF or Word formats. The printer icon allows the user to send it directly to print.

    4. If you would like to search through the report enter a value and click Find.  To continue to search for the next value click Next.