Turn BluePay email notifications on and off


DO NOT edit any other settings other than those in the "Email Settings" section or you could risk functionality being broken with eCatholic Payments.

To turn email notifications on and off in the BluePay gateway portal, click on the "Admin" link in the left menu, expand the "Accounts" link, then click on the "List" link.

Next, click on the gear icon on the right side of the account and then click "View".

Next, click the "Edit" button above the account details.

Next, edit the settings in the "Email Settings" section as desired and then click "Save". 

We recommend leaving "Merchant receipt" set to "Yes" and "Batch Confirmation" set to "Yes" so that you will receive email notifications of successful and FAILED transactions.

If "Customer receipt" is set to "Yes", below is an example of the email receipt that your visitors will receive: