Ministry Service Reminders

Ministers can receive weekly reminders about the service they are scheduled for. These reminders are automatically sent in bulk through eCatholic ChMS on Thursday mornings. The reminders are first sent to the member's email. If there is no email listed in the member record, the reminder will then be sent to the member's phone number.

In order to receive these reminders, all of the following must happen:

  • The member must have a valid email address (and/or phone-number) listed within their member record
  • The Email Notifications box (and/or the Text Message Notifications box) must be checked
  • The Ministry Service Reminders function must be turned on

The content of the Ministry Service Reminder, detailed below, is standard and not able to be edited by users. The information in parentheses is automatically populated with the information specific to the parishioner and their service assignment.

Hello (Member First Name)!

You are scheduled as a (Committee Description) at the (Service Description) at (Church Name) in (City) this weekend, (Service Date). If you are unavailable to make your assignment, please try and find a replacement. Thank you!

If you would like the Ministry Service Reminders , please contact our team at [email protected] so we can turn this function on for you.