User roles for Connect

When a new member is added to your organization, or any group in your organization, they will function as Group and Organization members. In these roles the member can:

    1. Receive messages sent to all organization members
    2. Be added to additional groups
    3. Manage their own communication preferences for both organization and group messages

Most of your organization's users will have this user role.

Members can also have their roles elevated to help manage the Connect organization as a whole, or help manage specific groups. This can be done via 3 User roles:

  1. Organization Admin
  2. Group Manager
  3. Group Sender

Organization Admins can:

    1. Add and remove organization members
    2. Manage organization member roles
    3. Create, delete, and manage all groups and group members
    4. Create and send messages to all groups

In order to be assigned an admin role, the member must have already created a free eCatholic account. They may go to to set up their account. Once complete, you may assign that member an organization or group admin role.

Aside from Organization Admins - which help manage the organization as a whole - members can be given permission to manage aspects of specific Groups via the Group Manager or Group Sender roles.

Group Managers can:

    1. Create and send group messages
    2. View members of the group
    3. Manage group member roles
    4. Add and remove group members

Group Senders can:

    1. Create and send group messages
    2. View members of the group

To learn more about how to add new Organization Admins, Group Managers or Group Senders, check out the resources below.