How to Title Case Addresses in an Excel File
In eCatholic ChMS, USPS verified mailing addresses will appear in USPS format. USPS format uses all uppercase letters. If you want to title case addresses that are in your Excel file so the first letter of each word are capitalized but the remaining letters are in lowercase, you will want to use the =PROPER() function.
(1) Insert additional columns for each field you'd like to title case. For instance, if you'd like to title case Address Line 1 and City you'd need to insert 2 columns. Perhaps you'd call these Address Line 1_Title Case and City_Title Case.
(2) In the additional columns, type the formula =PROPER(
(3) Select the appropriate cell that you wish to title case, then close the parentheses.
(4) Fill down this formula for all cells it should be applied to and repeat Steps 2-4 for any other columns you wish to title case.