Editing the style of your Nav Menu Drop Downs

A Nav Menu Drop Down is a list of interior pages that appear when an item in your website's navigation bar is hovered over. This allows visitors to travel to different locations throughout your website.

Every eCatholic-powered website provides the ability to choose a few different styles for these Nav Menu Drop Downs. Here's how you can update yours:


Open your Header Settings

Log in to your website and find the Header Settings, located at the top left of your browser window. Click on the Gear Icon to open the settings.


Choose a Nav Menu style

Locate the Nav Menu Drop Downs option and choose your preferred Nav style.

Here's a breakdown of each option:

  • Off - This will disable any drop down menus from displaying when a visitor hovers over any items in the navigation bar. If your navigation items are linked to interior pages, they will remain active (or, "clickable") to visitors.
  • On - This will enable a drop down menu for each navigation option when a visitor hovers any items in the navigation bar.
    • If you want to include drop down menus, but do not want the navigation option to be active (or, "clickable") learn how to do that here: Understanding the Site Map Editor.
  • Mega Menu - This will turn on the Mega Menu navigation structure, which allows you to group pages and links into distinct categories in your navigation.

Mega Menu Options

Mega Menus are only available on eCatholic website themes that have a horizontal navigations. So, if you currently use a theme that includes a "hamburger style" menu (e.g., Damascus or Vita), Mega Menu styling is not available.

Additionally, some free themes will provide two options for a Mega Menu, the Small Mega Menu and Large Mega Menu. The difference is simple: a Large Mega Menu will display at a longer width underneath your navigation bar than a Small Mega Menu will display.


Save your changes

Once you've made your selection, click the green Save button.

To make these changes go live on your website, remember to also click the green check mark underneath your Header Settings as well.