How to integrate Flocknote into your website

Integrating your email and text message communications into your website has never been easier thanks to eCatholic's seamless Flocknote integration. There are two ways you can integrate Flocknote with your eCatholic website:

  1. Place a simple subscribe form for any Flocknote group onto a page of your website.
  2. Automatically show your latest notes on your site.

How to connect your Flocknote account

To activate the Flocknote modules, you must first complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to your website, then click on Admin in the white Admin Toolbar at the top of the interface. Then, click Settings > Integrations & Social, locate the Flocknote Integration setting, and toggle it ON.
  2. Next, enter your Flocknote Shortname, URL, or ID in the Flocknote ID field. Once finished, be sure to click Save/Publish at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: Only Admins will be able to complete this step.

Once you've successfully connected your Flocknote account to your eCatholic website, you will be able to access two Flocknote modules in your site's content tray: 1) Simple Subscribe and 2) Latest Notes.

How to add a Flocknote simple subscribe form


Drag and drop the Simple Subscribe module onto the page

Navigate to the page on which you'd like the simple subscribe form to appear. Then, click on Add Content > Social & Embed > then drag and drop the Simple Subscribe module onto the page.


Edit the module settings to customize the form

You can customize the way the simple subscribe form appears by editing the following settings in the Flocknote Settings dialog:

  • Flocknote Group Name - Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate Flocknote group to which you'd like visitors to subscribe.
  • Field Layout - Choose a Horizontal or Tiled field layout.
  • Name Fields - Select whether you want to allow visitors to enter their First & Last Name, First Name Only, or None.
  • Contact Fields - Select the contact information you want to gather from visitors: Email, Phone, or Both.
  • Submit Button Text - Customize the text on the button visitors will use to subscribe (e.g., "Sign up now!" or "Submit")

Once you've finished making your customizations, click the green Save button. Then, the form will be visible on your live website once you Publish the page!

How to display notes from a Flocknote Group


Drag and drop the Latest Notes module onto the page

Navigate to the page on which you'd like the feed of notes to appear. Then, click on Add Content > Social & Embed > then drag and drop the Latest Notes module onto the page.


Edit the module settings

You can customize the way the content in the module appears by editing the following settings in the Flocknote Messages Settings dialog:

  • Flocknote Group Name - Use the drop-down menu to select the Flocknote group whose notes you'd like to display on the page.
  • Items to Display - Select the number of notes you would like to display directly on the page.
  • Show Date - Toggle ON if you would like the date each note was published to appear in the module.

Once you've finished editing the settings, click the green Save button. Then, Publish the page to make the module appear on your live website!