How to manage your organization memberships and communication preferences

eCatholic users can easily log in to their account to manage their membership in an organization(s) and configure how they want that organization to communicate with them.

  1. Create an account / Log in to your account
    1. If you don't yet have an account, go to and click on the Sign Up Now link; or navigate directly
    2. If you already have an account, go to and log in with your current login email.
  2. Go to the My Profile screen - Once logged in, go to the User Profile dropdown (top right corner of the screen) and click My Profile.
  3. On the My Profile screen, go to the Communication Preferences section and locate the organization membership you want to manage.

If your membership in an organization is shown as Active

If your membership in an organization is shown as Joined:

  • a) the organization has imported your email address into its list of members, or
  • b) you previously received and accepted an invitation to join the organization and subscribe to receive messages from it.

For Active memberships, you may:

  1. Leave the organization - You may click to Leave button to be unsubscribed from all communication sent by the organization and its groups
  2. Turn organization emails on or off
  3. Subscribe to text messages from the organization
    1. If you're already subscribed to texts, you will be able to turn organization text messages on or off

If your membership in an organization is shown as Invited

If your membership in an organization is shown as Invited:

  • The organization has invited you to join and subscribe to receive its messages

You may click the Join button to accept the organization's invitation and to subscribe to receive email messages sent by the organization and its groups. The membership status will then become Active. As a result, you will be able to subscribe to the organization's text messages if it has enabled texting.

If your membership in an organization is shown as Left

If your membership in an organization is shown as Left:

  • You have previously chosen to leave the organization

You may click the Rejoin button to once again join the organization. This will resubscribe you to receive email messages from the organization and its groups. you will be able to subscribe to the organization's text messages if it has enabled texting.

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