How to see who has viewed your eCatholic LIVE Streams

You can easily view or download the data about who has watched your eCatholic LIVE streams right from your streaming dashboard. You can view data around who watched your stream while it was Live, as well as who viewed the stream after the fact as an Archived video. Here is how:

Locate the stream you would like to see a viewership report on.

Click on the Archives tab in the blue bar on the left hand side of your screen, locate the stream in question, the click the number under either the Live or Archive column to see more granular data:

Here you can view data like Location, the Date and Time the viewer joined the stream, Duration, what device the viewer was using, what Browser the viewer was using and what operating system / platform the viewer was using.

Download viewer data.

You can also download this data to a .csv file if you would like to then use Excel to further dig into your data: