ChMS User Roles

There are two user roles within each of the applications modules which include Families, Groups, Fund Raising (offertory), Religious Ed and Ministry Scheduling.  Within each module you can have users with a Manager role which allows them to perform any function within that module as well as access to the reporting functions.  If a user is assigned a Helper role some of the functionality is limited.  For example, a family helper can add new families and members but cannot delete family and member records. 

You can see these user roles are clearly shown in two columns on the security access screen shown below.  You will use a combination of these roles to properly assign rights to your users.

Important Note: Users CANNOT be Member Portal Users and have other user roles using the same email address. If a user wants to register to use the Member Portal, they should use their personal email address and must be sent a Member Portal invitation. A work email address should be used for their employee login within the ChMS.

Sample Parish User Roles

Below are some common roles within the parish that we have highlighted along with their suggested security access.

Note:  The Church Administrator is the very first role that needs to be setup in a parish.  This person has access to all functions within the application including User Security where they can approve user registrations and assign user access rights for any additional users.  To set someone up as a Church Administrator you only need to check the Church Administrator option.  Once you check this box the other options will be removed.  Be sure to click Save.