How to link to a document or PDF in your Navigation Menu

Adding a link to a document, such as in your navigation menu gives your visitors a quick way to access a document (such as a PDF). Here are the steps!


  Create a link in the Site Map Editor

  1. Click on Site Map in the white Admin Toolbar, which will open the Site Map Editor. 
  2. Locate the Link icon in the Site Map Toolbar, and drag the icon into the Site Map Editor (illustrated below). 
  3. Drop the element exactly where you want it to appear in your navigation menu.


Define the link details

You will be prompted to define certain details about your link (illustrated below). 

  • Link Name - Enter the title that you want to appear in your site's navigation menu. (Keep it short!)
  • Link Type - From the options, select Document.
  • Link URL - Click on + Add Document, and then choose to upload a new document or select an existing document from your website's File Manager.
  • Display in Navigation - Toggle to On if you would like the link to be visible in your navigation menu.

Once you've entered all the required information, click Save to create the link. Once you Save and Exit the Site Map, be sure to test the link in your navigation.

NOTE: It is best to upload and link to PDF documents (.pdf) on your site. Avoid uploading files that require a specific type of software to view, such as Microsoft Word documents (.doc).