Allow Recurring Donations

eCatholic's Donation module makes it easy for your organization to accept weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually recurring donations. To enable recurring donations:


Click on the gear setting of the Donation module.

You will have the option to edit the Basic, Advanced, and Recurring Payments settings of your donation form.


Under the Recurring Payments tab, toggle On AllowRecurring giving.

You can choose to allow recurring giving along with one-time gifts, or to only allow recurring gifts by selecting Recurring Only.

NOTE: If you have toggled on Support Recurring, you can then choose to assign a default recurring option for your form. This allows your payment form to default to a one-time, monthly, weekly, quarterly, or annual gift option. The end user will have the ability to choose any other gift type that you allow, but what you select here will be the starting point for your form.


Adjust Recurring Frequency options. 

Select the Recurring Payments tab and select the desired "Supported Frequencies".

Be sure to click save and publish!