PCI Tutorial

You, as the merchant account owner, must complete a PCI compliance Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) once a year in order to be PCI compliant and avoid paying a monthly non-compliance fee. Even if you are not actively using eCatholic Payments at the moment, your CardConnect account is still subject to compliance. To get started with the SAQ, follow the instructions below.

Log into your CardPointe account. The person who was submitted as the signer on the merchant account during the application process must complete this PCI Compliance Questionnaire.  They have received the CardPointe user account credentials. 

*If an email was forwarded to you by the signer, the link will not work for you.  The signer must add you to the CardPointe account before proceeding*

Once you are logged in, click on "My Account". Under PCI Status, you can click on the hyperlink labeled "Not Compliant" (pictured below) in-line with your main Merchant ID.

After you click on "Not Compliant", you will be redirected to the SecureTrust website to start the PCI Compliance process: