How to set up Facebook Live integration

With eCatholic LIVE, it’s simple to effortlessly publish your live video content on multiple platforms, including Facebook Live! 

DID YOU KNOW? In addition to broadcasting on Facebook Live, eCatholic LIVE allows you to easily syndicate your content on your website, YouTube Live, and Vimeo!

Here’s how to enable Facebook Live integration with your eCatholic LIVE account.

Log in to your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal

Before you can schedule a broadcast to syndicate on Facebook Live, you must first enable the Facebook Live integration with your eCatholic LIVE account.

To access your eCatholic LIVE portal, log in to your website, click the down caret next to Websites in the upper left hand corner, and select Live Streaming.

Connect Live Destination

Locate the Syndications section by twirling down the Channel area in your dashboard. Then, click Login next to Facebook.

Next, the 3rd Party Application Login page will open up, click Continue to Login:

Grant Streaming Systems, LLC access to stream on your page by clicking Continue as [Your Name] twice.

Configure Live Synidications

Now that you have connected your Facebook and eCatholic LIVE account, you will want to specify what specific pages you plan to stream to. To do so click Add Live Syndication in the bottom right hand corner of the page

Choose Facebook Live as your Destination and then click Next: Broadcast To:

Here you can choose what page you would like your live stream to display on and then click update.

You will then be brought back to the Syndications page and should see Facebook is Connected under step 1 and Enabled under step 2:

You are now all set to have future broadcasts sent both to your website and Facebook!

NOTE: The Facebook Live integration will be set up using your personal Facebook profile. However, in most cases you'll want eCatholic LIVE to publish to a Facebook Business Page you manage (e.g., the Facebook Business Page for your church or school).

During this step, you can specify the Facebook Page(s) on which eCatholic LIVE will be able to publish your live video streams. As a result, you must already be set up as an Admin of the Facebook Page(s) in order for the integration to ultimately allow you to stream on those Pages.