How to add Catholic content from ChurchPOP

Adding fun and inspirational Catholic content from ChurchPOP is as simple as drag-and-drop!


Drag and drop the ChurchPOP module onto the page

Navigate to the page on which you'd like the ChurchPOP Catholic content to appear. Then, click on Add Content > Catholic > drag and drop the ChurchPOP module onto the page.


Edit the module(s)

Once added to your page, you can click the module's default title to edit the title as you see fit. Alternatively, click the Title icon to hide the module title altogether.

You can also edit the default settings for the module as described below:

  • Language: Select to display the content in either English or Spanish.
  • Items to Display: Identify the number of articles that display on the page.

Publish the page

Once you've added and edited the module as you see fit, be sure to Publish the page.

What is ChurchPOP?

ChurchPOP regularly publishes engaging and relevant Catholic blog content. Part of the EWTN Network, ChurchPOP is a Christian culture brand that’s fun, informative, and inspirational. You have free access to publish this great content on your website using the steps above!