How to copy a page

You can duplicate any page on your eCatholic website using the Copy Page button, located in your white page toolbar (pictured below). Here are the steps:

Note: The Copy Page button will only appear in your page toolbar if your webpage is in a published state. If you do not see the Copy Page button, check on the green Publish button in your page toolbar. If your page is not published, do so and then proceed to use the Copy Page feature. 


Navigate to the page

Log in to your website and navigate to the page that you'd like to copy.


Navigate to the Copy Page button

The Copy Page button is located in your white page toolbar at the bottom of your window. Click the Copy Page button and you will then be prompted to enter the details for a new page (pictured below).


Publish the new page

Finally, once you've made any necessary changes to the page, click the green  Publish button.

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