How to use Anchors

Want to direct your visitors to a specific spot on a really long page of your site? You can create an anchor, then set a link to the anchor using tools in the WYSIWYG editor to get the job done. Here are the steps:

Part 1 - Create an anchor

The first step is to create an anchor.

  1. Highlight the text you want to anchor.
  2. Select the Link button in the WYSIWYG toolbar and then the Anchor (Flag) button.
  3. Enter an Anchor Name. We highly recommend using simple names, all lowercase as anchors are case-sensitive. Also, be sure there's no spaces.

That will drop in a little anchor flag, as pictured below.

Part 2 - Create a link to the anchor

The next part is much the same as normal link creation

  1. Highlight the text you'd like to link
  2. Click the link/link button
  3. Choose External link
  4. Type in a hash (#), followed by the exact anchorname.: #anchorname
  5. Uncheck Open in New Tab
  6. Click Insert


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