How to enable eCatholic integrations

By making a one-time connection between your eCatholic website and your ChMS database, you can take advantage of any available eCatholic integrations. Just follow the simple instructions below!

How to enable eCatholic integrations with your ChMS


Log into an Admin user account on the eCatholic website that you would like to connect to your ChMS. Navigate to your Integration & Social tab by clicking Admin > SettingsIntegration & Social (pictured below).


Toggle the "eCatholic ChMS Integration" switch to On, then click the green Save/Publish button at the bottom of the screen (pictured below).

Note: When you turn on the integration the default will be that your eCatholic Payment transactions are sent to the ChMS. If you aren't ready for this just yet, you can toggle off the button that says "Send your payment transactions to eCatholic ChMS".


Once your page refreshes, a new Integration Key will appear. Click the copy button to copy your Integration Key to your clipboard.


Log into the ChMS that you would like to connect. Twirl down the Administrative tab in your blue toolbar, then click on Church Maintenance.


Scroll down until you see the "eCatholic Integrations" section, click the Connect link (pictured below).


In the pop-up window, paste in the Integration Key copied from your eCatholic website, and then click Save.

You are now ready to utilize current available eCatholic integrations!