eCatholic Payments Integration

eCatholic ChMS customers with eCatholic Payments can use our integration to automatically import contributions to the ChMS database.

After connecting your ChMS database to your eCatholic website (view instructions here), transactions processed through eCatholic Payments will automatically begin to import into your database. 

Transferring past transactions: Once you have enabled the integration, transactions will be imported automatically going forward. Past transactions can be exported using the CSV export option in your eCatholic Payments center for the historic date range desired, and imported manually to the ChMS using the Funds> Import Contributions option.

Disabling the eCatholic Payments integration: If you wish to use other available integrations, but do not want to automatically sync your eCatholic Payments transactions, you can turn this component "off" in the same area where you enabled the integration.

Transactions will be sent from eCatholic Payments to the ChMS once they have settled, at 6-hour intervals throughout the day. If a previously transmitted transaction is voided or refunded, the negative amount will also be transmitted to the ChMS in order keep your records accurate and balanced.

If automatically imported transactions cannot be matched to an existing family or fund in your database, they will be placed in the Funds > Pending Imports area. Please view the video below for instructions on clearing pending imports, or you can delete contributions you do not wish to import.