Diocese Maintenance

The Diocese Maintenance page allows Diocese Administrator users to set certain sacrament and funeral data entry standards for church-level users in the diocese.

  1. Select Administrative from the top menu.
  2. Scroll and select Diocese Maintenance.
    • The Diocese Maintenance screen displays.
  3. Check or uncheck the Church can edit location defaults box.
    • If you check the Church can edit location defaults box...
      • Church-level users can choose their own defaults for the Sacrament/Funeral Location and/or the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location in their church database's Administrative > Church Maintenance page.
      • The Sacrament/Funeral Location and/or the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location fields on the Diocese Maintenance page become grayed out and are unable to be edited by Diocese Administrator users.
Administrative > Diocese Maintenance view when church can edit location defaults
    • If you do not check the Church can edit location defaults box...
      • The defaults you set for the Sacrament/Funeral Location and the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location will be visible in each church database's Administrative > Church Maintenance page.
      • While the information is visible to church-level users in their Church Maintenance pages, it is grayed out and not able to be edited by church-level users.
Defaults set in Diocese Maintenance as seen by a church-level user in Administrative > Church Maintenance
      • When church-level users add a sacrament or add a funeral to a member record, the Sacrament/Funeral Location default set in Diocese Maintenance will lead the corresponding information to auto-populate in the sacrament's Location field in the sacrament record and the funeral's Location of Funeral field in the funeral record.
      • Likewise, the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location default set in Diocese Maintenance will lead the corresponding information to auto-populate in the book information's Location field in the sacrament and funeral records.
      • While church-level users cannot edit the Diocese Administrator-selected defaults, they can edit the information within the sacrament's Location field, the funeral's Location of Funeral field, and the book information Location fields.
Church Name defaulting for Location fields in sacrament record
Church Name defaulting in funeral record. Note how user has begun editing the Location of Funeral field.
  1. If you do not check the Church can edit location defaults box, set the Sacrament/Funeral Location and the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location fields to one of the four options below. (Note: The default options you select for Sacrament/Funeral Location and the Sacrament/Funeral Book Location do not need to match.)
    1. No Default - the corresponding fields in the sacrament and funeral records will not auto-populate with any information.
    2. Church ID - the corresponding fields in the sacrament and funeral records will auto-populate with the church database's ChMS Church ID, displayed as a three-digit number (i.e. Church ID 33 will display as 033).
    3. Church Name - the corresponding fields in the sacrament and funeral records will auto-populate with the information in the database's Church Name field in Administrative > Church Maintenance.
    4. Church Name & Church ID - the corresponding fields in the sacrament and funeral records will auto-populate with the information in the database's Church Name and three-digit Church ID. (Note: Formatting will be Church Name - Church ID, e.g. "Church of St. Mary - 033")
Default options in Diocese Maintenance
  1. Click Save.