How to add a Vimeo video

Adding a Vimeo video to your website is as easy as drag-and drop. Here are the steps:


Drag and drop the Vimeo module onto the page

Navigate to the page on which you'd like the Vimeo video to appear. Then, click on Add Content > Images & Video > drag and drop the Vimeo module onto the page.


Enter the video's URL

Once the module is added to your page, the Vimeo Settings dialog will appear. Enter the following information:

  • Paste the video's Vimeo URL or Vimeo ID into the ID or URL field.

Once finished, click Save.


Edit the module settings

Hover your cursor over the module to access the following settings:

  • Title: By default, the video will appear without a module title. If you want a module title to appear, click the title icon, then click the title area to type your own title.
  • Settings: Click the Settings icon to enter a new Vimeo ID or Vimeo URL and embed a different video.
  • Delete: Click the trash can icon to delete the module from the page.

NOTE: Use the orange handle on the left edge of the module to drag and drop the video to a different location on the page. The video will automatically resize to whatever content area it's placed in.

Once finished, don't forget to Publish the page!