eCatholic Payments Mapping Details
Whether your eCatholic Payments transactions are auto-transferring into eCatholic ChMS through our integration or you're importing your eCatholic Payments transactions into the ChMS through a .csv file, it is helpful to know how the ChMS processes eCatholic Payments data.
Regardless of the transactions enter the database, the data the ChMS receives is the data found in the eCatholic Payments transaction report. The following columns of the Transaction Report map to fields in eCatholic ChMS as listed below.
eCP Transaction Report Column |
ChMS Field |
Address 1 |
Addr1 |
Address 2 |
Addr2 |
Amount |
ContributionAmount |
City |
City |
FamilyEmail |
Name |
LastName |
Payment Date |
Contribution Date |
Phone |
Telephone |
State |
State |
Subaccount |
SystemFundDescription |
Transaction ID |
SytemTransactionID |
Donor Member ID |
Budget Number |
Zip |
ZipCode |
Organization ID (for dioceses only) |
AssignedToSystemChurchID |
Click here to read more about how eCatholic ChMS uses this data when attempting to map contributions to the correct family records and funds.