Applying for the Impact Access Program

Items needed to apply

Before you start the application process outlined below, it is recommended that you prepare the following:

  • Your organization's EIN number - This will be required during the application process. This is a nine-digit number that the IRS assigns in the following format: XX-XXXXXXX.
  • An IRS determination letter - If your organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, it is advantageous to register as such with Twilio. In order to be recognized as a nonprofit by Twilio, your organization will be required to provide proof of your nonprofit status.
    • A copy of an official IRS determination letter that explicitly lists a) your organization name and b) your organization's nonprofit status is best.
    • If your organization is not individually registered as a nonprofit — and instead falls under a group exemption — it is recommended that you also provide a copy from the Official Catholic Directory that includes:
      • Official Catholic Directory cover
      • All the pages where individual entities in your diocese appear, with your organization highlighted

Go to and if prompted log in to your existing Twilio account / create a Twilio account if needed.

Once you're logged in to your Twilio account, if not automatically redirected to the Impact Access Program sign up page, navigate to Billing > Nonprofit Benefits > Sign up.

  1. Determine eligibility
    1. Organization Country - Select the appropriate country
    2. Organization Type
      1. Public Benefit Nonprofit - Choose this if your organization is registered as a 501(c)(3)
      2. Mutual Benefit Nonprofit - Choose this if your organization is registered as a 501(c)(8) (e.g., Knights of Columbus council)
    3. Search by organization name or registry ID
      1. If you cannot locate your organization after you search, click Add a new one.
  2. Fill out organization details
    1. Organization Name - Enter your official organization name
    2. Registry Name - Internal Revenue Service
    3. Registry ID - enter your organization's EIN
    4. Focus area - For most Catholic organizations, the most appropriate selection is "Religion related"
    5. Document to support eligibility
      1. Upload a PDF of a tax exemption letter or other proof of nonprofit status. Review Percent's documentation to ensure the uploaded file matches the legal definition of a nonprofit in your country.
      2. An IRS nonprofit determination letter or Tax Form 990 from the latest tax year that has been filed and accepted by the IRS is recommended.

You may be prompted to upgrade your account. Enter the requested information to continue, such as providing an initial amount to fund the Twilio account (requires credit card information).

Once finished, return to the Impact Access Program Signup, where you should see that your program status is likely Pending approval.

Need more help? Review Twilio's documentation on applying to the Impact Access Program.

When in 'Pending approval' status

An organization called Percent is verifying your nonprofit's status and confirming your affiliation with the organization. Keep an eye on your inbox for an email from them. Once verified, a $100 credit will be applied to your account, and your organization will be eligible for discounted nonprofit pricing with Twilio.

What is appropriate document?

Upload an official document verifying your organization's tax-exempt status.

  1. Upload a screenshot from the IRS Nonprofit Search - Search for and locate your organization, then take a screenshot or download the information listed there. If your organization is lot listed there, then you'll need another form of documentation.
  • Upload An IRS determination letter - Use a copy of an official IRS determination letter that explicitly lists a) your organization name and b) your organization's nonprofit status is best.
    • If your organization is not individually registered as a nonprofit — and instead falls under a group exemption — it is recommended that you also provide a copy from the Official Catholic Directory that includes:
      • Official Catholic Directory cover
      • All the pages where individual entities in your diocese appear, with your organization highlighted

What is an authorized agent?

The Percent verification team may reach out to an email address listed on your website and ask that person to verify your affiliation with the organization.

That person will need to open the email they received from Percent and click Yes to confirm that you work or volunteer for them.

The subject line of the email will be something like: {{ Organization Name}}'s application for Twilio's program.

You (as the applicant) should also receive a notification about this (example shown below)

Subject: Help us process your application for Twilio’s program

Once your application is accepted, you will receive an email notification from Twilio. When you log in to your Twilio console, you'll see that:

  1. Your Program status is Active
  2. $100 has been added to your existing balance
  3. 25% discounted pricing has been applied