Navigation Styling Guide


eCatholic is excited to share our styling guide for eCatholic ChMS! We hope that these changes allow for easier, more user-friendly navigation through the platform. As you explore this layout, we want to point your attention to several key details.

Church Menu

eCatholic ChMS now has a church menu, located in the upper right corner. When users are in the ChMS, they can look to the upper right corner to see which church database they are currently within. Users tied to multiple church databases can now easily switch church databases by clicking the down arrow next to the church name. They will see a list of all their church databases and can click whichever church database they want to enter. (Users are still able to switch church databases, if desired, by clicking on the eCatholic ChMS logo in the upper left corner and seeing the Dashboard of all their church databases.)

Church menu displaying all church databases the user can access

Navigation Menus

eCatholic ChMS now contains both a primary and a secondary navigation menu. When you click on the primary menu, moving from module to module, an orange bar will underline the name of the module that you are currently in. To change the module you're viewing, simply click the name of the module you want to view in the primary menu.

Primary navigation menu showing the user is in the Religious Ed module

The secondary navigation menu appears in gray underneath the primary menu. In the secondary menu, an orange bar will underline the name of the page that you're on within the particular module. To change the page you're viewing, simply click the name of the page you want to view in the secondary menu.

Secondary navigation menu showing the user is in the Registration Maintenance page of the Religious Ed module

Contribution Imports

In the Funds module, two features - Import Contributions and Pending Imports - have moved to the new Contribution Imports page.

Funds > Contribution Imports

To import contributions from an online giving platform, click Funds > Contribution Imports > Import Contributions, and then follow these instructions.

To clear pending imports, click Funds > Contribution Imports and then click the Batch whose contributions you want to clear. You can then follow these instructions.

Reports and Actions as Buttons

With these changes to the navigation menus, the Reports page will no longer by dynamic - containing different report options depending on which module the user is within. Instead, clicking Reports in the primary navigation menu will open up to the Report Library, with the option to also move to the Dashboard via the secondary navigation menu.

Clicking Reports leads users directly to the Report Library

Different report options that would previously populate in the Reports drop-down menu are now available as buttons within the different modules. Additionally, different Actions that were previously available in various drop-down menus are now available as buttons within the different modules.

Buttons in Families Module

In the Families module, the Family Register report now appears as a button toward the top left of the Family Explorer page.

Families > Family Explorer > Family Register

For Diocese Administrator users, the Family Giving Analysis report appears as a button toward the top left of the Family Explorer page - rather than the Family Register report.

For Dio Admins, Families > Family Explorer > Family Giving Analysis

Buttons in Funds Module

In the Funds module, the Fundraising report now appears as a button toward the top left of the Fund Maintenance page. This button is grayed-out and inaccessible until the boxes next to one or more funds have been checked.


Funds > Fund Maintenance > Fundraising

Additionally, Generate Campaign now appears as a button on the Fund Maintenance page. This button is also grayed-out and inaccessible until the boxes next to one or more funds have been checked.

Buttons in the Religious Ed Module

Several reports have been added to different pages in the Religious Ed module. The Confirmation Register and First Eucharist Register appears as buttons toward the top left of the Registration Maintenance page.

Religious Ed > Registration Maintenance > Confirmation Register and First Eucharist Register

Also in the Religious Ed module, the Class List report and Attendance Sheet report appear as buttons toward the top left of the Class Maintenance page. These buttons are grayed-out and inaccessible until the boxes next to one or more classes have been checked.

Religious Ed > Class Maintenance > Class List and Attendance Sheet

Additionally, the Promote Students action is now a button that appears on the Level Maintenance page.

Buttons in the Schedules Module

In the Schedules module, the Busy Weeks report and the Scheduling Report now appears as buttons toward the top left of the Service Maintenance page.

Schedules > Service Maintenance > Busy Weeks and Scheduling Report

Additionally, Generate Schedule now appears as a button in the View Schedule page.