What is A2P 10DLC messaging?

Text messages sent in eCatholic Connect are considered A2P 10DLC messaging.

Currently, you can send unlimited text messages in Connect by setting up a Twilio account and completing the A2P 10DLC registration process (detailed below).

Then, you may enter your Twilio account details in Connect to begin sending text messages.

What is A2P 10DLC?

A2P 10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers.

Catholic organizations that want to send text messages to their members from their own dedicated phone number may do so by first completing a process called A2P 10DLC registration.​

  • "Application-to-Person (A2P)" refers to SMS messages sent from businesses or organizations to individuals.
  • ​"10DLC" stands for the 10-digit phone number that your messages will be sent from. 

​Under the A2P 10DLC system:

  1. Businesses must identify who they are to the carrier networks (Brand registration).
  2. Businesses must register what type of messages they are sending (Campaign registration). 

Why is A2P 10DLC messaging best for my organization?

The regulations for how organizations and brands communicate via text have recently seen significant change. A2P 10DLC messaging is now the standard method via which organizations send text messages.

Registering your organization for A2P 10DLC provides the following benefits:

  1. Allows you to send messages from your own dedicated phone number
  2. Helps verify your organization's identity
  3. Reduces the risk of spam or fraudulent messages
  4. Improves deliverability by establishing a trusted communication channel

How do I register for A2P 10DLC?

A2P 10DLC registration is a multi-step process that includes registering:

  1. A Business Profile - Create an identity for your organization with Twilio which is used to unlock A2P 10DLC as well as other Twilio communication services.
  2. A US A2P Brand - Create an identity with the carrier ecosystem to enable you to send messages on A2P routes.
  3. A Campaign use case - Share with carriers what kinds of messages your organization will be sending to determine final throughput and pricing.
Churches and other Catholic nonprofit organizations can follow these guidelines for A2P 10DLC registration

How long does it take?

Brand registration can typically be completed in a few minutes if you've already collected all of the required information.

Campaign registration can take up to 1-7 business days for standard use cases, as all A2P Campaign registrations are subject to a manual vetting process by Twilio.

Next steps for eCatholic customers

If you're ready to start the process of creating your Twilio account so that you can begin texting with eCatholic Connect, use the following articles as a guide through the A2P 10DLC registration process:

  1. Creating & upgrading your Twilio account
  2. Registering your Brand and Campaign for texting

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