How to send account creation emails to your donors

With eCatholic Payments, you can easily send emails to donors to prompt them to create their own account and begin managing their recurring donations and payments via Donor Self-Management.


View Donor Details

Within the Donor Management tab, locate the donor to whom you would like to send the account creation email. Then, click the details icon in the Details column for that donor. This will open the Donor Details dialog.


Click the Send Account Creation Email button

Once the Donor Details dialog appears for the selected donor, locate and click the Send Account Creation Email button to send the message.

What does the "Create Your Account" email look like?

The email your donors receive will include a button they can use to create their donor account as well as instructions for managing their account and donation information. The message will be personalized with the donor's name as well as the Account Name for your organization.

Next step: See what your donors will see

After you prompt your donors to create their accounts, take a closer look at how donors will log in and manage their account.