Using Categories to manage your archives

You can use Categories to organize your eCatholic LIVE archives. Then, you can create a Category player to showcase a subset of your on-demand archives as a stand-alone player on a page of your website.


Go to your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal

 To access your eCatholic LIVE portal, log in to your website, click the down caret next to Websites in the upper left hand corner, and select Live Streaming.


Access your archives to manage categories

Once in your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal:

  1. Go to eCatholic LIVE Tasks > Archive Management (pictured below).

  2. Once in your archives, click Manage Categories (pictured below).


Add a new category

Once the Category Management page opens, locate the Add New Category field, then enter the name of the new category. Once finished, click the blue Add Category button.

NOTE: To delete an existing category, click the Delete Category button.


Categorize your archives

Once you've created the necessary categories, return to your Archive Management page. Then, use the drop-down menu in the Category column (pictured below) to assign a category to specific archived content.

Next: Create a Category player

Now that you've created categories, you can create a Category player to showcase a subset of your on-demand archives as a stand-alone player.

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