Choosing Your Annual Statement (PDF) Option

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There are currently (3) PDF Annual Statement options that you can choose from—Detailed, Summarized, or by Family Tags (through the Report Library).

The Detailed and Summarized PDF options can be found in the following areas of the ChMS: Family Explorer, the Family Record, Family Tag Maintenance, and Fund Maintenance. The Annual Statement by Family Tags report is found in the report library. To read more about how to generate these statements, please click HERE.

Important Note: The Annual Statement (PDF) options are not customizable. If you need to customize your letter, we recommend downloading the (.xls) option located within Funds > Fund Maintenance. You may then use this file and customize your letter through the mail merge process.

Note:  The PDF Annual Statement options have been formatted to fit into a double window envelope when folded (9 1/2" x 4 1/8"). 


Please reach each description below to see which PDF option will work best for your needs.

1. Annual Statement - Detailed (PDF)

This option lists all contributions for the selected parishioner(s) who have made a donation during the defined date parameter. Non-Deductible contributions will have a YES listed in the "Nondeduct" column. The body of the letter will include a total for deductible contributions and non-deductible contributions.

This is a great option if you do not need to customize your letters and want each contribution listed.

2. Annual Statement - Summarized (PDF)

This option totals the donations by fund for each family you selected within the defined date parameter. Annual statements will not be generated for families that have not made any donations during the defined date range. The body of the letter will include a total for deductible contributions and non-deductible contributions.

This is a great option if you do not need to customize your letters and want the contributions to be totaled by fund.

3. Annual Statement by Family Tag

When generating annual statements through the Report Library, one of the reports listed is Annual Statement by Family Tag. This option will summarize donations by Buckets. The body of the letter will include a total for deductible contributions and non-deductible contributions. Prior to generating this report, you will need to have created a Family Tag for the families you would like to generate annual statements for, and you will need to have defined your buckets for each fund.

This will be a great option for you if you do not need to customize your letters, want the contributions to be totaled by Bucket, and would like to generate the letter for a specific Family Tag.

Once you've selected which PDF option you'd like to generate, please head over to Generating your Annual Statements (PDF) learn how to create and download your letters.