Generating Your Annual Statements (PDF)

Want a tutorial? Watch our annual statement video!

Please reference THIS article if you'd like to read about which Annual Statement option may be best for your needs.

As mentioned in the article referenced above, the Detailed and Summarized PDF options can be found in the following areas of the ChMS: Family Explorer, the Family Record, Family Tag Maintenance, and Fund Maintenance. The Annual Statement by Family Tags report is found in the Report Library.

Important Note: Please recall that this article is in reference to the Annual Statement PDF options. These are not customizable. If you'd like to customize your letters, please reference THIS article for instructions on how to do so.

Please keep reading below to see how you can generate the Annual Statement option of your choosing.


Generating Annual Statements through Family Explorer

This option works well if you'd like to generate annual statements (PDF) in bulk, and do not need to exclude any funds from being included in the letters.

(1) Go to Families > Family Explorer.

(2) Select the family or families you want to generate annual statements for by checking the box(es) next to their Family Name(s). If you'd like to select all families, click the box next to Family Name.

(3) Once you've selected the families you wish to generate the annual statements for, you will see that the Actions button is no longer grayed out. Select Actions > Annual Statements.

(4) Select whichever Annual Statements option you'd like to download, enter the applicable details, then click Print. The Print button will not actually print the annual statements, rather it will generate a file for you in your Downloads folder.

Note:  To upload a signature image you will need to use a scanner to import the image.  Begin by writing the signature on a piece of paper, scan the image and save it on your computer in a common file format: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, or .png.  Once it is saved you can open the image, crop it, resize if image is too large and save again.  

Generating Annual Statements through the Family Record

If you only need to generate annual statements (PDF) for a single or few families, and would like to email them, this may be your preferred option.

(1) Locate and open up the family record for the family you wish to generate a single annual statement for.

(2) Click the Annual Statements button.

(3) Select whichever Annual Statements option you'd like to download, enter the applicable details, then click Print.

Tip: If you'd like to email this letter to the family, simply click Send Message, then write your Subject & Body, and lastly attach the Annual Statement PDF that you downloaded.

Generating Annual Statements through Family Tag Maintenance

This option is helpful if you have created a Family Tag for the families that ask for an annual statement (PDF) every year.

Perhaps you'd call this tag "Wants Annual Statements". Then whenever you have a family that you know wants to receive an annual statement each year, you can add them to this family tag. To generate annual statements for Family Tag(s), please do the following:

(1) Go to Families > Family Tag Maintenance.

(2) Check the box(es) next to the Family Tag(s) you'd like to generate the statements for, then click the Annual Statements button.

(3) Select whichever Annual Statements option you'd like to download, enter the applicable details, then click Print.

Generating Annual Statements through Fund Maintenance

This option is mainly used when you want to exclude certain funds from being included in the Annual Statements (.xls or PDF), but this option is also used when you want to generate your statements in bulk.

(1) Go to Funds > Fund Maintenance.

(2) Select the Fund(s) you want to be included in the annual statements, then click the Annual Statements button.

If you only want to include certain funds in the annual statements, check the box(es) next to the funds you want to include. If you want to include all active funds in the annual statements, ensure that you are in the "Active" tab then check the box next to "Fund Description". (If you want to include inactive or diocesan funds, you will need to click into those tabs to make your selection.)

(3) Select whichever Annual Statements option you'd like to download, enter the applicable details, then click Print.

Generating Annual Statements by Family Tag through the Report Library

This option is helpful if you have created a Family Tag for the families that ask for an annual statement (PDF) every year, and you want the statements to group the contributions by the buckets you have selected.

To generate annual statements for Family Tag(s) through the Report Library, please do the following:

(1) Go to Reports > Report Library.

(2) Navigate to the Families section of the Report Library and click the View button next to the Annual Statements by Family Tags report.

(3) Enter in the necessary information:

  • Select your church
  • Enter the date range you wish to generate the annual statements for
  • Select which funds you'd like the statements to include. To choose multiple funds click on the first fund you'd like to select, then hold the ctrl button on your keyboard and right click all of the remaining funds you'd like to include. If you'd like to select all of your funds, click on the first fund, then hold the shift key on your keyboard and right click on the last fund listed. You should then see that all funds are selected.
  • Enter the signature if applicable.
  • Select one Family Tag you'd like to generate this report for.
  • Enter in your bucket descriptions for each of the three buckets.

(4) Click Run.

(5) To save this file, click the floppy disk icon, and make your selection.

Note: This report was generated with this intent of it being saved as a PDF.