Description of Transaction Type and Status

Each transaction in the Payments Center has a Transaction Type and Status. By clicking the drop-down menu, you can filter by transaction type and status.

Transaction Type

  • SALE: One-time donation or payment submitted. Reflected as the Payment Date in the Transaction List under Transactions and Reporting tab.
  • VOID: Transaction started, but VOIDED prior to being settled.
  • REFUND: Transaction refunded. If the transaction is settled, a REFUND transaction is required to reverse the original transaction. Transaction fee will be assessed for a refund. 
  • RECURRING MASTER: Indicates a recurring transaction was established and when that recurring transaction was submitted on the website.
  • RECURRING CHARGE: Indicates a recurring transaction has been processed.
  • ERROR: The transaction did not process due to an error.

Transaction Status

  • Approved: The transaction processed successfully through the BluePay Gateway and is waiting for verification from the donors’ issuing card company or bank.
  • Settled: The transaction fully processed, will be batched, and a deposit initiated to the merchant's bank account.
  • Declined: Transaction declined.
  • Voided: Transaction voided. Voids happen before a transaction settles, so no money is exchanged.
  • Refunded: Transaction refunded. The transaction was settled, batched and deposited and then refunded. Check out how to issue a refund.

NOTE: Once you void or refund a transaction, the transaction status will change to Pending until the void or refund is officially processed.