How to set up integration

With eCatholic LIVE's integration, you can reach viewers on virtually every platform available. In addition to eCatholic LIVE's existing Facebook, Vimeo and YouTube integrations, will enable syndication to Periscope, Twitch, custom RTMP and up to 30 other destinations.

Here's how to enable the integration with your eCatholic LIVE account. 

DID YOU KNOW? The integration is included at no charge with every eCatholic LIVE streaming package.


Log in to your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal

To begin, you must first enable the integration with your eCatholic LIVE account.

 To access your eCatholic LIVE portal, log in to your website, click the down caret next to Websites in the upper left hand corner, and select Live Streaming.


Go to the Restream Integration page

Once in your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal:

  1. Locate the Syndication section (pictured below), then use the link in the section to get started.
    • Alternatively, go to the eCatholic LIVE Tasks menu > Integration Options > Enable

  2. Next, click the blue Enable Integration button (pictured below).

  3. NOTE: If you don't yet have a account, click the blue Create Account button to set up a free account.


Allow eCatholic LIVE access to your Restream account

If you are already logged in to your account, the integration can be processed seamlessly.

If you are not logged in to your account, log in to your account when prompted.

  1. Click Allow to grant StreamSpot access to your Restream account.
    • "StreamSpot" must be granted access because eCatholic LIVE is powered by StreamSpot software.

Once complete, your eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal will verify that it successfully integrated with your Restream account!

Next: Set up channels in Restream

Once you've successfully integrated your eCatholic LIVE and Restream accounts, you can set up and enable independent channels within your Restream account.

Then, whenever you use the eCatholic LIVE Admin Portal to schedule a broadcast, you can choose to have it syndicate to Restream. When you do so, that broadcast will syndicate on all active channels in your Restream portal.

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