Add a MassTime™ button on your website

How to display your Mass times with MassTime™

MassTime™ is designed to eliminate the problem of visitors not being able to easily find Mass times and other key information on your parish website. MassTime™ allows you to activate a small button in the bottom right corner of your website that visitors can use to easily view Mass, Confession, and Adoration times, as well as a map and contact info that will help people get to Mass.

Get started with MassTime™ using the following steps:


Enter your Mass times

To begin, log in to your website and add your parish's Mass times in the Sacraments & MassTime™ interface:

Click image to expand.

  1. Click Admin in the Admin Toolbar at the top of the page > Sacraments & MassTime™ > Mass Times.
  2. Select a Mass in one of the three available categories:

    • Regular Mass Schedule - Click Sunday Mass Schedule to add your recurring Sunday Masses; click Daily Mass Schedule to add your recurring Daily Masses.
    • Holy Days - Click a pre-populated Holy Day to add your Mass schedule for that day.
    • Special Masses - Hover your cursor and click the plus (+) icon to create a Special Mass (e.g., Baccalaureate Mass, Mass for the Unborn, or a Holy Day not currently in the pre-populated list).

      Note: Under the Holy Days and Special Masses categories, Mass times will be listed ONLY if they are scheduled to take place within 30 days of the current calendar date.

      Example: Each year, your Mass schedule for the Solemnity of All Saints (Nov. 1) will appear beginning on Oct. 1, and disappear on Nov. 2.

  3. Click the +Add Mass Time button to enter details for the new Mass Time.

This exclamation point icon indicates Masses for which no Mass times have been entered.

Other ways to display your Mass times: You can also use the Mass Times module to display Mass times on specific pages of your website. All Mass times entered in the Sacraments & MassTime™ tab will also be available for display in the Mass Times module.


Configure your MassTime™ button

Next, open the MassTime™ Settings to configure the times at which you'd like the MassTime™ button to appear:

Click image to expand.

  1. Always On - Select Always On to make the MassTime™ button perpetually visible in the bottom right corner of your website. Site visitors will always be able to click/tap the button to open the MassTime™ display and easily view:
    • 1) All Mass times configured in your site's Mass Times interface - Includes Regular Mass Schedule, Holy Days, and Special Masses.
    • 2) Map to your church - Will only display if you enter your address in the MassTime™ settings Address field.
    • 3) Phone number - Will only display if you enter your phone number in the MassTime™ settings Phone Number field.
    • 4) All Confession times configured in your site's Confession Times interface.
    • 5) All Adoration times configured in your site's Adoration Times interface.
  2. Alerts Only - Select Alerts Only to make the MassTime™ button appear only when MassTime™ Alerts are active for a specific Mass. Learn more about MassTime™ Alerts

Finally, determine if you'd like a map and contact information to show in the MassTime™ display by adding the appropriate details in the Address and Phone Number fields. Once finished, click Save.

Address and Phone Number are optional fields. When entering an address, you must use the following format: Address, City, State, Zip.


Activate MassTime™ Alerts for specific Masses

As a final step, you can turn on MassTime™ Alerts for specific Masses to guarantee people will find your Mass times when they're most likely to be looking for them. To turn on MassTime™ Alerts:

Click image to expand.

  1. Click a specific Mass.
  2. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  3. Toggle MassTime™ Alerts On.
  4. Click Save.

Masses for which MassTime™ Alerts are turned on will be marked with a green Eucharist icon.

You cannot turn on MassTime™ Alerts for your Daily Mass Schedule.
If you do not wish to utilize the MassTime™ button or alerts on your website, configure your MassTime™ Button setting to Alerts Only, then set MassTime™ Alerts Off for all Masses.

When MassTime™ Alerts will display

MassTime™ Alerts activate a popup display that contains Mass times and directions and appears only when Mass is imminent. Here are the specific details on the MassTime™ alert behavior.

Conditions that determine when the MassTime™ Alert display will start and stop automatically appearing:

  • If you've entered a Vigil Mass time, the MassTime™ Alert popup display will become active beginning at noon on the vigil day.
  • If you have not entered a Vigil Mass time, the MassTime™ Alert popup display will become active beginning at 12am on the Mass day.
  • The MassTime™ Alert popup display will stop appearing 15 minutes after the last Mass begins.

Example of Alert behavior: Sunday Mass Schedule

You've turned on MassTime™ Alerts for your Sunday Mass Schedule, which includes: Saturday Vigil Mass at 5pm, along with Sunday Masses at 8am, 10am, and 12pm. Here's the behavior to expect:

  • The MassTime™ Alert popup display will become active on Saturday at noon and will feature the upcoming weekend Masses, beginning with the 5pm Saturday Vigil Mass.
  • On Saturday at 5:15pm, the 5pm Saturday Vigil Mass will disappear from the popup display. Then, the remaining Mass times will be featured chronologically (beginning with 8am Sunday Mass).
  • This behavior will continue until Sunday at 12:15pm, at which time the Alert popup display will fully deactivate.

MassTime™ Alerts require an accurate time zone configuration for your website, which is automatically calculated based on the City and State entered in your site's global Browser Tab settings. If you're experiencing issues related to your site's time zone configuration, please contact eCatholic support.