Homepage feature region dimensions

Your website can have a Standard, WideFull, or Full Video homepage feature region format. Look in the Design Studio to identify the homepage feature region format currently in use on your site. Then, use the lists of dimensions below for your feature region's next custom image.

Looking for the image dimensions of a different picture type?

Here are some other articles to help you find what you're looking for:

  1. Interior page image dimensions
  2. Custom logo dimensions
  3. Custom logo with site name dimensions
  4. Button dimensions
  5. Thumbnail dimensions

Standard: 650 x 325 pixels

The Standard homepage feature region format (illustrated below, Milan theme) is 650 x 325 pixels.

Themes with Standard feature regions: Vita, Tabor, Sinai, Antioch, Milan, Guadalupe, Carmel, Siena, Traditions 2.0, Avila, Assisi, Lisieux, Hippo, Summit, Base

Wide: 975 x 325 pixels

The Wide homepage feature region format (illustrated below, Krakow theme) is 975 x 325 pixels.

Themes with Wide feature regions: Krakow, Antioch, Chamblanc, Milan, Padua, Clairvaux, Guadalupe, Siena, Traditions 2.0, Molokai, Avila, Assisi, Lisieux, Hippo, Cupertino, Base

Full: 1920 x 480 pixels

The Full homepage feature region format (illustrated below, Porres theme) is 1920 x 480 pixels (a 4:1 aspect ratio).

Themes with Full feature region: Condit, Kolbe, Eden, Olivet, San Juan, Cyprus, Damascus, Lucca, Cascia, Turin, Verona, Loyola, Krakow, Porres, Sebastian, Xavier, Bethany, Padua, Molokai, Assisi, Base

Full Video: 1920 x 810 pixels

The Full Video homepage feature region format (illustrated below, Lourdes theme) is 1920 x 810 pixels (a 64:27 aspect ratio).

Themes with Full Video feature region: Condit, Kolbe, Olivet, San Juan, Cyprus, Damascus, Lucca, Cascia, Lorenzo, Verona, Loyola, Santiago, Lourdes, Moser

Identifying your site's theme

Not sure which theme your website is using? Log in and click Design in the white Admin Toolbar at the top of the interface, then click Explore Themes. Your site's published theme will be marked with the green Published badge (pictured below).