Thumbnail dimensions

Look below for image dimensions of thumbnails used in news, events, people, and photo albums modules so that you can size your pictures perfectly for your eCatholic site. Dimensions for the following items are identical in all free themes, with a few noted exceptions:

Looking for more image dimensions for preparing your website pictures?

Here are other places to help you get started.

  1. Homepage feature region dimensions
  2. Interior page image dimensions
  3. Custom logo dimensions
  4. Custom logo with site name dimensions
  5. Button dimensions

Standard thumbnail dimensions for most free-theme designs:

  • Thumbnail image for News Module: 128 x 128
  • Thumbnail image for Events Module: 128 x 128
  • Thumbnail image for Photo Albums Module: 128 x 128
  • Thumbnail image for People Module: 128 x 128

Themes with different News & Event thumbnail dimensions

• Loyola theme - News and Events module thumbnails are 154 x 154 

• Moser theme - News module thumbnails are 370 x 240, and Event module thumbnails are 600 x 600

• Tabor theme - News and Events module thumbnails are 320 x 202 

• Sinai theme - News and Events module thumbnails are 230 x 230

• Lucca theme - News module thumbnails are 308 x 177, and Event module thumbnails are 270 x 224

• Damascus theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 560 x 350, and People module thumbnails are 100 x 100

• Cyprus theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 370 x 247, and People module thumbnails are 400 x 400

• San Juan theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 560 x 350, and People module thumbnails are 400 x 400

• Olivet theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 500 x 300, and People module thumbnails are 410 x 445

• Eden theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 555 x 326, and People module thumbnails are 400 x 400

• Vita theme- News and Event module thumbnails are 500 x 300, and People module thumbnails are 410 x 445

• Verona theme- News and Event module thumbnails are 680 x 460, and People module thumbnails are 262 x 262

• Kolbe theme - News and Event module thumbnails are 493 x 275, and People module thumbnails are 200 x 200

Identifying your site's theme

Not sure which theme your website is using? Log in and click Design in the white Admin Toolbar at the top of the interface, then click Explore Themes. Your site's published theme will be marked with the green Published badge (pictured below).

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