What can I do about Pending members?

eCatholic Connect has been designed to help you easily communicate with your members in a way that complies with bulk messaging rules and regulations.

There are two ways you can get your members into Connect to begin communicating:

  1. Import members from your current communication system - This process will automatically subscribe imported members to receive your messages. Be sure you've previously received permission to send emails to these members before completing the import.
  2. Invite members - This process will send the invited member an invitation to join your organization and subscribe to receive your messages. Joining and subscribing is a simple, one-click process!
    1. Once the user joins and subscribes, they will receive email messages from your organization and its groups.
    2. If the member does not take action on the initial invitation, they will receive two more invite messages over the course of 72 hours with reminders to take action if they want to receive your messages.
    3. Invited members will be listed with a Pending status until they accept the invitation to join your organization and will not receive messages you send.

Importing members = Automatic subscribers

If you already have a list of members you have permission to email, it is recommended that you import the members into your organization as a first step in setting up Connect. This will allow you to get up and running quickly and does not require your members to accept an invitation to receive the messages you send in Connect. In short, imported organization members skip the Pending status.

What does it mean when my members are pending?

Pending members have been invited to join your organization, but have not clicked the button in the invite email(s) they received to subscribe to receive your messages.

Pending members will appear with a Pending status in your list of organization members:

Example of invite email members receive.

Invited members receive a total of 3 invite reminders. If 72 hours have passed since you initially invited the member and they are still Pending, this means the member did not take action on any of the three invite emails they received.

It can be assumed that the member:

  • a) does not wish to receive messages from your organization, or
  • b) ignored the invite messages, or
  • c) did not receive the invite messages.
    • The email address you used may be incorrect / out of date, may contain a typo, or the invite message may have gone to the member's spam folder.

How can pending members get subscribed to receive messages?

If an invited member failed to take action on any of the initial invite emails, here's what you can do:

Instruct the member to check their inbox or spam folder

The member may use terms from any of the subject lines below to help locate the invite emails they missed.

  • Email 1 - You're invited to receive messages from {{ Organization Name }}
  • Email 2 - Reminder: Pending invitation to receive messages from {{ Organization Name }}
  • Email 3 - Final reminder: Accept invitation now to receive messages from {{ Organization Name }}

Instruct the member to create an account and join your organization

The member may:

  1. Go to app.ecatholic.com/register
  2. Enter the email address you used to add them - email address must match exactly
  3. Finish the account creation process

At the end of the account creation process, the member will be able to go to their account settings and join the organization - shown below:

Once the member has joined, they will be subscribed to receive your messages.

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