How to invite a member to your Connect organization

When it comes to adding members to your Connect Organization, you can add a new member to your top level organization, and then, if desired, add that member to a specific group within your organization. Here is how:

Add a member to your organization

From the white bar at the top of your page click on Members, then click then the blue Add Member button.

On the next screen, enter the member’s name and email address, then click Invite Member.

What happens next:

  • You will see the invited member in your list of all members; the invited member will have the Pending status until they accept the invitation.
  • The invited member will receive an email invitation to join the organization. Once accepted, the member will be subscribed to receive messages you send to all members.

If a member doesn’t accept the invitation they receive in the first email, Connect will send them two more invite messages as final reminders that they must accept the invite to receive your messages. For more information, see our help doc: What can I do about Pending / Invited members?

Add a new member to a group

Navigate to a group, then click the Members tab, then click Add Member. 

  • If the person you want to add is already a member of your organization, use the search bar to find the person, then click Add to group.
  • If the person you want to add is not already a member of your organization, click the Create new member button. Add the member’s name and email, then click Invite member. Then, the new member will be added to the group and to your organization. Their membership will be pending until they accept the invitation.

To comply with anti-spam regulations, emails will not be sent to new members until they accept the invitation to join your organization.

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