How to import members from another system into Connect

If you’re already using a different communication system (or have your members’ names and emails stored elsewhere), you can easily import existing member data into Connect to get up and running quickly. Here is how:

How to start an import

  1. Export your member data as a CSV file. 
    1. Go to your existing communication tool or member database and export your member data as a CSV file.
    2. The file you import into Connect should contain 4 columns:
      1. First Name
      2. Last Name
      3. Email
      4. Phone (optional).
    3. Each row should contain data for one member; i.e., one name, one email.
    4. First Name and Last Name should be separate columns.
    5. NOTE: You can download an example CSV file here to get started.
  2. Go to Connect
    1. Log in to Connect and - if needed - select the organization you would like to import members into. Navigate to your Members screen by clicking the blue Members link in the upper left hand corner of the screen, then click the Imports tab and click the Import Members button.
  3. Complete the import workflow
    1. Upload File - Drop your properly-formatted CSV onto the screen. It is vital that you data follows the format listed above. First name, Last Name, Email, Phone (optional) all in separate columns.
    2. Verify Data - After your file is uploaded, you will see a sample of how your data will look if you proceed with the import. 
      1. IMPORTANT: Make sure the data lands in the appropriate columns and that everything looks correct. Once ready, select the "this data looks correct" checkbox and click Next.
    3. Confirm & Import - After you’ve verified that your data looks correct, you will see a summary of your import details. The system will indicate the number of records that will be processed as well as any records that will not be processed. If everything looks as you expect, select the "I have permission"… checkbox and click Import Members.
      1. If there are records that contain data that matches existing organization members, they will not be included in the import.
      2. If there are records that contain errors (e.g., invalid email address), they will not be included in the import.
      3. You can click Download matches and/or Download errors to get a list of records that will not be processed.
    4. Import Summary - After your import is complete, you will see a summary screen that details the number of members added as well as any records not added. Once finished, click Done.

Need help with your import?

If you are having trouble, our team is happy to help get your member data imported into Connect. Either click the Get help button in the import workflow or attach and send your CSV file to [email protected] and let us handle the import for you!

Import FAQs

Why do I need to indicate I have permission to email members I import? 

The import feature is designed to quickly and easily add existing members from a different communication system into Connect. As a result, you should only import members that you have previously received explicit permission to email. 

If you want to add someone that you do not have explicit permission to email, use the Invite a member workflow instead. This will ensure that your messages don’t get marked as spam. Having members mark your messages as spam ultimately harms your sending reputation and email deliverability.

What happens after members are imported?

Members added via import:

  • Automatically become Accepted organization members
  • Automatically are subscribed to receive your messages (no opt-in required)

What admins see: 

  1. Each imported member is added to your organization with the Accepted status. This means you will be able to see each member on the Members screen. 
  2. Each imported member is also automatically added to the ‘All Members’ group. This means you can email them anytime you use the ‘Email All Members’ feature. You may also add them to other groups in your organization, and they will receive group messages. 

What members see: 

After you complete your import, all imported members will receive your welcome message. The welcome message lets your members know that they have been added to your organization and will now be able to receive messages you send to all members.

The welcome message also includes a button members may use to optionally create a free eCatholic account. An account allows them to log in to view their messages, manage memberships and communication preferences, and view files shared with their groups.

Pro Tips:

  • Members do not need to create an account in order to receive the messages you send.
  • Imported members will not receive the welcome message until you create and publish your welcome message in Organization Settings. Whatever content you publish will be appended to the welcome message.

To learn more about Organization Welcome Messages, including how to write and edit them, check out our dedicated article on that subject, here!

Related: Bulk add group members via CSV

Importing organization members is the recommended first step to move your members from another system into Connect. Then, you can also import members directly into a group to set up groups with many members quickly and easily.

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