Change the layout of interior pages

This article explains how to easily change the page layout of an interior page on your website. (An interior page is any page other than your website's homepage.) When it comes to changing the layout of interior pages, you have two options:

  1. Change the default page layout for your entire site (jump to instructions)
  2. Change the layout of a single page (jump to instructions)

How to change the default interior page layout for your entire site

The Design tab in the white Admin Toolbar allows you to edit site-wide design elements including your website's theme, color palette, and page layout options.

Here's how you can select a single layout to be the default layout for all your site's interior pages. (Don’t worry, you can still choose a different layout for specific interior pages by changing the layout on an individual page.) Setting the default simply determines how your pages will appear if you don’t make any additional changes.


Open the Design Studio

To begin, click on Design in the white Admin Toolbar. Once open, the Design Studio will display your site in Preview mode.


Click the Layouts button to browse page layouts

In the Design Studio, click Layouts at the bottom of the screen (pictured below) to open the site layout options for your selected theme. These options will change the layout for all the interior pages throughout the site.

Notice that different layouts offer a variety of features. For example, you can:

  • Select how many content columns you'd like to appear on the page (e.g., one, two, or three).
  • Choose a layout that includes a button region at the top (or no buttons at all).
  • Choose a sections layout to design a page that contains a variety of individual content sections (available in select free themes only; see instructions).

NOTE: Some page layouts are only available for individual (i.e., page-by-page) use and cannot be chosen for the entire site. Also, the options you see will vary depending on the theme you've selected.

Layouts that are incompatible as a default for the entire site will show in the Interior Layouts dialog as available only for individual page use ( illustrated above). These layouts can be selected in the Page Settings dialog on individual pages.


Preview your site's new interior page layout

After you've selected a new interior page layout, you can preview the change before publishing. Use the Device Display icons centered at the bottom of the Design Studio to preview your site on screens of different sizes (desktop, tablet, and mobile).


Publish your new default layout

You can continue experimenting with different page layouts by repeating steps 2-3 as outlined above. Once you're ready for your website to be live using your new design settings, click the green Publish button at the bottom of the Design Studio.

IMPORTANT: Consider your site navigation when adding custom page layouts

If you select a single-column or Sections layout for an interior page, the site navigation that typically appears in the page's side column will no longer be visible. Be aware that this will affect the way visitors navigate your site. As a result, it is best to avoid adding pages "beneath" an interior page with a single-column layout.  

Learn more: Using a Sections layout

You can select a sections layout to design pages that contain a variety of individual content sections. Check out How to set up and design a page with a Sections layout to learn more.

Change the page layout for a single page

You can easily select between different layout options in an individual page's settings. Here's how to change the interior page layout for a single page.


Access the Page Settings

Navigate to the page on which you would like to have a different layout, then click the Page Settings icon located in the bottom Page Toolbar as the last icon featured on the left-hand side (pictured below).

NOTE: You can also access the Page Settings when scrolling over a page represented in the Site Map Editor.


View layout options in Page Settings

In the Page Settings dialog, select the third tab titled Page Layout to view the layout options available for that page.

NOTE: The options you see will vary depending on the theme you've selected.


Select an interior page layout

Select one of the layout options and click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog. The page will automatically update, and you can continue to edit its content.


Publish your new layout

You can continue experimenting with different page layouts by repeating steps 2-3 as outlined above. Once you've made your final selection, click the green Publish button at the bottom of the page.