Photo Album module - How it works

If you want to add albums of photos to your website, the Photo Album module is the way to go. This article explains the steps to create an album of photos on your site.

Want to create a Gallery Photo Album?

The Photo Album module displays your photos in a simple album format. If you want to display your images in a slideshow format (i.e., a format that can automatically cycle through a series of images), use the Gallery Module.

How to create a Photo Album


Drag and drop the Photo Album module onto the page

Navigate to the page on which you would like the photo album to appear. Then, click Add Content > Image & Video Modules, then click to drag and drop the Photo Album module onto the page.


Create an album

Once the Photo Album module has been added to the page, it will be empty. The next step is to add an album to the module (illustrated below).

  1. Click on the (+) icon that appears when you hover your cursor over the module.
  2. Assign the album a name, description, and custom URL (alias) in the Photo Album dialog. Once you’ve added the appropriate information, click Save.

You will then see an empty album in the Photo Album module on the page.

NOTE: You can add the Photo Album module to each page of your site only once. From there, you can add multiple albums to the module. Each album is represented by a single thumbnail image.

Add photos to the album

Now that you've created a photo album, the next step is to upload photos into the album (illustrated below).

  1. Click on the album itself to open the album's page.
  2. Once there, click the + Photos button in the bottom left corner of the interface to begin adding photos to the album.
  3. Select the image files from your computer to begin the upload

It may take a moment for the photos to upload to your website, as the speed of the upload depends on the size and number of photos you're uploading.


Manage your photos

Once the photos have successfully uploaded into the album, they will be visible on the album's page. This is where you can manage the photos in the album.

  • Rearrange photos - Drag and drop individual photos to rearrange their order.
  • Add a photo caption -  Hover your cursor over an individual photo and click on the settings icon to add a photo caption.
  • Crop the thumbnail - Click on a photo's settings icon to crop the image's thumbnail.
  • Delete a photo - Hover your cursor over an individual photo and click the trash can icon to delete it.
NOTE: Your visitors will be able to view your photo thumbnails or click on a photo to view the entire album's fully-sized photos in the gallery format.

Photo Album Settings


How to access the settings for a photo album

You can access the settings for a photo album in two ways:

  1. Navigate to the page that contains the Photo Album module, then locate the album within the module. Hover your cursor over the album's thumbnail and click the settings icon.
  2. Navigate to the page that contains the album itself (i.e., the page that shows thumbnails of all the individual photos within the album). Click the settings icon at the bottom left of the interface.

Editable photo album settings

Once you've opened the Photo Album dialog, you can edit the following settings:

  • Photo Album Name (Basic Tab) - Edit the name of the photo album
  • Description (Basic Tab) - Edit the description of the photo album
  • Link to Page (Pages Tab) - Select one of your existing pages from the drop-down menu to define the page of your website that should host the photo album
NOTE: If you edit the Link to Page setting to move a photo album to a different page, the album will only appear on the new page if the new page contains a Photo Album module. If you don't see the album on the new page, drag and drop the Photo Album module onto the page. Then, the album should automatically populate within the module.

The Photo Albums page

Every eCatholic website has a built-in Photo Albums page. This page automatically features any photo albums added to your website. It is located under the News/Events tab by default; alternatively, you can access the page by going to

The Photo Albums page is a "one-stop-shop" that allows your visitors to view all your photo albums in one place. You can add photo albums directly to the Photo Albums page if you’d like; or, you can add them to any specific page as outlined in the steps above.