Confession Times Module - How it works

eCatholic's Confession Times module allows you to easily add your Confession times + details to your website. Instead of manually typing and formatting your Confession times in a Text module, let the Confession Times module do the work for you!

Pro Tip: Go beyond the Confession Times module. Make your Confession Times pop using eCatholic MassTime™!


Add Confession times to your site

The first step is to add Confession times in your site-wide settings.

  1. Click Admin in the white Admin Toolbar.
  2. Navigate to the Sacraments & MassTime tab.
  3. Click on the Confession Times tab.
  4. Next, click on +Add Confession button. This is where you can add a Confession time.

  5. When creating a new Confession time, you can add the following details:

    • Day - Use the Day drop-down menu to select the day(s) of the week on which the Confession occurs.
    • Start Time - Select or type the time Confession begins.
    • End Time - Select or type the time Confession ends. 
    • Notes - Add a brief note to appear next to the individual Confession time within the module. You can also add a general note to show in the module.
  6. Then, click the green Save button to close the New Confession Time dialog. Repeat the process for each Confession time you'd like to add. 

NOTE: Only Admins have access to add/edit Confession times.


Drag and drop the Confession Times module on your website

Navigate to the page on which you would like the Confession times to appear. Then, click Add Content > Catholic Modules, and click to drag and drop the Confession Times module onto the page.

Since your Confession times have already been added to the site (Step 1), you can simply drag and drop the Confession Times module onto any page. Your Confession times will automatically populate within the module.


Choose a display format

Once you've added the module to the page, click the Settings icon that appears when you hover your cursor over the module. Then, select a display format: Compact, Normal, Large, X-Large.

Don't forget to publish the page once you've made all your changes!

Editing or deleting Confession times

You can edit or delete Confession times in your site-wide settings.

  1. Click Admin in the white Admin Toolbar.
  2. Navigate to the Sacraments & MassTime™ tab.
  3. Click the individual Confession time to pull up its settings.
  4. Edit and then save changes to an existing Confession time, or to delete an existing Confession time, click the red trash can icon, at the bottom of the settings for each individual Confession time.

Make it easy for visitors to find your Confession Times in the MassTime™ Display

If you've activated the MassTime™ button on your website (i.e., configured the MassTime™ Button setting to Always On), your Confession Times will now appear within the Confession tab in the MassTime™ Display. 

That means visitors will be able to click/tap the MassTime™ button (pictured below):

Doing so will open the MassTime™ display, and you will see your Confession times within the Confession tab (pictured below):