Navigating the CMS Interface

Let’s take a tour of your website’s interface. The interface can be broken down into two basic areas:

  1. The Admin Toolbar - toolbar at the top of the interface
  2. The Page Toolbar - toolbar at the bottom of the interface

The Admin Toolbar 

The Admin Toolbar contains several controls that allow you to edit your site's global settings (i.e., settings that affect your entire website). Here's a breakdown of each element of the Admin Toolbar:

  • Your eCatholic Products: here you can toggle between the different eCatholic products you may be subscribed to
    • Payments - If you are subscribed to eCatholic Payments this opens the Payments Center, which is where you can run reports, manage accounts, issue refunds, and more.
    • Live Streaming  - If you are subscribed to eCatholic LIVE this opens the eCatholic LIVE Portal, which is where you can schedule broadcasts, view analytics, and manage your live streaming account.
    • Church Management - If you are subscribed to eCatholic ChMS (church management) this opens up your parish's database where you can track fundraising efforts, archive sacramental records, manage all things Religious Education and much more.
  • Edit Website - Selecting the Edit Website tab puts your website in Edit Mode. Whenever you log in, this tab is selected by default since this is the mode you’ll use most often as you work on your website.
  • Design Studio - The Design Studio tab allows you to change your website’s theme, homepage layout, and other site-wide design elements.
  • Files - Files opens your website’s File Manager. Your site’s photos and documents are stored and managed here.
  • Admin - The Admin tab is where you can view and edit site-wide settings as well as manage your list of Admin Users. (These are the people who can log in and edit your website.)
  • Sitemap - Click on the Sitemap tab to open and edit your sitemap. The sitemap gives a high-level view of all the pages and groupings of pages on your website. Go here to add new pages, delete pages, and rearrange pages using drag-and-drop.
  • ? Icon - The Question Mark Icon is a quick link to the eCatholic Resource Center.
  • Admin Preferences - Your username will appear in the Admin Toolbar. Click it to update your name or password.
  • Notification Center - The Notification Center alerts you of 1) unpublished website edits, 2) submissions to your online forms, and 3) files that have been placed in your site’s trash bin.
  • Purchase Site button - If you're on a 30-day trial, click the Purchase Site icon once you're ready to purchase your website. Hover over the icon to see how many days are remaining in your trial.

The Page Toolbar

While the items in the Admin Toolbar at the top of your page control site-wide settings, the items in the Page Toolbar at the bottom of the page specifically affect the page you’re currently working on. Here's a description of each element of the Page Toolbar:
  • Add Content - The Add Content button gives you access to the different modules you can drag and drop into the page. (Hint: You’ll use this button very often as you edit your website!)
  • Add Subpage - Clicking Add Subpage creates a subpage of the current page.
  • Copy Page - Clicking Copy Page will make an exact duplicate of the page you are currently working on.
  • Trash Can Icon - The Trash Can Icon lets you delete the page and its contents.
  • Page Settings - The Page Settings icon allows you to control specific page settings such as the page’s navigation name and layout.
  • Padlock Icon (secure pages only) - With the Padlock Icon, you can update or change the password that visitors use to access a Secure Page.
  • Revert - The Revert button functions similar to an “undo” button; however, it is not a step-by-step undo. The Revert button returns the whole page to its last published state.
  • Publish - The Publish button makes any changes you’ve made to the page live on the web for your visitors to see. You can also schedule a page to be published at a future date and time. 

How Admin User Roles affect your interface

The features available in your interface depend on the Admin User role you have been assigned. Here's a list of the features each type of user can access.



Can access all features in the Admin Toolbar and Page Toolbar.



Have access to the following features on assigned pages only:

  • Admin Toolbar: Edit Website, Payments*, Admin Preferences, ? Icon, Notification Center
  • Page Toolbar: Add Content, Page Settings, Trash Can Icon, Padlock Icon, Add Subpage, Revert, Publish


Have access to the following features on assigned pages only

  • Admin Toolbar: Edit Website, Payments*, Admin Preferences, ? Icon
  • Page Toolbar: Add Content, Trash Can Icon, Padlock Icon, Add Subpage, Revert

*NOTE: A Publisher or Author's ability to see the Payments tab in the Admin Toolbar depends on their Payment Security role.

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  • How to update your eCatholic ID email